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Stanford Prison Experiment

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 8:19 am
by roid
just saw a blog mention this, the Stanford Prison Experiment. it was a university's psychological experiment, split psych student volunteers randomly into "prisoners" and "guards" give them few rules, and see what happens, what prison environment would evolve? i'd never heard of this before, it was before my time. but it's very very interesting.

presenting:.... ... on2-a.html

Thirty years later, Stanford Prison Experiment lives on. - Stanford Report, August 22, 2001
Thirty years ago, a group of young men were rounded up by Palo Alto police and dropped off at a new jail -- in the Stanford Psychology Department. Strip searched, sprayed for lice and locked up with chains around their ankles, the "prisoners" were part of an experiment to test people's reactions to power dynamics in social situations. Other college student volunteers -- the "guards" -- were given authority to dictate 24-hour-a-day rules. They were soon humiliating the "prisoners" in an effort to break their will.

Psychology Professor Philip Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experiment of August 1971 quickly became a classic. Using realistic methods, Zimbardo and others were able to create a prison atmosphere that transformed its participants. The young men who played prisoners and guards revealed how much circumstances can distort individual personalities -- and how anyone, when given complete control over others, can act like a monster.

"In a few days, the role dominated the person," Zimbardo -- now president-elect of the American Psychological Association -- recalled. "They became guards and prisoners." So disturbing was the transformation that Zimbardo ordered the experiment abruptly ended.
article continues...

you'll notice in the article it links to the webpage of the experiment here: .

have a look, i just read through the slideshow of the experiment. it's kindof scary but really interesting what happened in the situation.

knock yourselves out.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 8:57 am
by Kyouryuu

Not the conclusion, just the experiment itself.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 10:19 am
by Genghis
A German movie was made about this experiment a few years ago. I remember wanting to see it, but of course it fell through the cracks like all my other good intentions.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 10:59 am
by Ferno
Oh i remember this. there was an atricle in adbusters about it. what spooked me was how fast the students turned from upstanding people to some of the worst people you could meet.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 11:54 am
by Tyranny
Keep in mind it was the 70s, so I'm sure some substance abuse was part of the equation :P

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 12:29 pm
by Avder
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 5:08 pm
by Palzon
the zimbardo experiment is something every first year sociology student learns about. It is a truly fascinating look into human nature.

stanley milgram conducted an experiment equally as fascinating. milgram's experiment was also questioned on ethical grounds about the same degree as zimbardo's.

enjoy linky:

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 3:07 pm
by Pandora
yup, saw the actual b/w movies they shooted during the milgram experiment in university. disturbing.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 7:28 am
by roid
ahh yeah, you sometimes see clips of that "Milgram" experiment in documentarys. so that's it's name eh, Milgram experiment (attempted mental note) thx paly

Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 4:21 pm
by bash
Good opinion piece by a Brit prison doctor that puts it in a perspective to current events.

* * *

Nick Berg's executioners all too clearly enjoyed beheading him
By Theodore Dalrymple
(Filed: 13/05/2004)

One thing that unites the men who beheaded the American Nick Berg in Iraq, the soldiers who abused Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib, the Palestinians who have held on to Israeli body parts in Gaza City and the murderers of Daniel Pearl in Pakistan is that they all enjoyed what they did, and enjoyed it immensely.

There is almost no greater pleasure known to man than to commit great acts of cruelty in the belief that the cause of right and justice is being served. Anyone who has observed rioters will know that they are having a wonderful time: could there be a greater joy than vandalism with a social purpose?

I used to wonder how it was possible for ordinary men to commit evil acts, and to do so en masse. I was thinking of Nazi Germany at the time, but I might just as well have been thinking of the Soviet Union. More recently, we have the example of Rwanda, where perfectly ordinary people who had been living in apparent conditions of friendship with their neighbours suddenly turned on them and hacked them to death with machetes.

There are a few exceptional human beings who seem to delight in evil all their lives. It is as if there is some inherent or acquired defect in their brains that renders them unable to learn the decencies of life or conform themselves to the canons of civilised behaviour.

From the earliest age, they stand out by their capricious and cruel wilfulness. They delight in torturing animals, dousing them in kerosene and setting them alight, or putting them in the washing machine; they lie and cheat for preference, even when there is no advantage in doing so. They are indifferent to the opinions and sufferings of others, and never learn to modify their behaviour from their own experience.

They are what the 19th-century alienist J. C. Prichard called "morally insane'': they are neither deluded nor hallucinated - they may even be of good intelligence - but they are incapable of internalising a moral code and of conforming their conduct to it.

Such people are comparatively rare. They might be called evil by nature, although whether someone who performs evil deeds because he is neurologically incapable of performing good ones can be blamed for his behaviour is a puzzle that I leave to the moral philosophers.

Such people are, in any case, few. In the course of my work, I meet them from time to time, and they make your blood run cold. But most evil is not committed by the morally insane, or psychopaths in the Hannibal Lecter mould: it is committed by ordinary people, the kind of people who pass you in the street every day.

My vision of humanity has darkened, not since I read about Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, which seemed to me exotic and distant, culturally and politically, but since I began to investigate the lives of ordinary British people in modern conditions. I have come to the conclusion that the default setting of man is to evil and that, if not all, then many or perhaps most men will commit evil if they can get away with it.

Where there is neither social nor legal pressure to behave decently, there will be a festival of evil. We have created a society in which often there is neither such pressure; as a consequence, I am confronted every day in my work by new evidence of man's propensity to evil, in the conduct of my patients or that of the people with whom they consort. The gratification that people derive from inflicting suffering on others is unmistakable. Furthermore, it is quite obvious that evil exerts a fascination and attraction for others who do not themselves indulge in it.

For example, it is clear that many young women prefer evil young men to decent ones. Indeed, they are attracted to men with evil written on their faces, as it often is. And the evil that these men do, the violence they commit, is often performed with a simulacrum of an excuse or moral pretext.

A man beats his girlfriend because he alleges that she is two-timing him, but really because there is no better way of keeping her in line, and because beating a defenceless woman is such fun. The sensation of a smashed glass meeting the face of a supposed or pretended enemy is balm to the soul of someone who feels himself to have been wronged all his life.

The experiments of the psychologist Stanley Milgram, published 30 years ago in a book entitled Obedience to Authority, showed how far ordinary people were prepared to inflict pain and even danger, in the form of a simulated electric shock, on a fellow citizen, merely at the behest of a stranger. They had no special reason to do so, beyond a desire to please the stranger and allegedly to further the cause of science.

Very few actually resisted; and if these ordinary people had had a cause for hatred, or had been persuaded that they had a cause for hatred (which often amounts to the same thing), of the person on whom they thought they were inflicting pain and suffering, such minimal resistance as they demonstrated would have evaporated. There is nothing they would not have done.

If the Kingdom of God is within you, so is the Kingdom of Evil. I know this from my experience of myself. When I was about nine, there were often ants' nests at the base of our house. I used to love pouring boiling water on the ants, seeing them transformed from living beings into little boiled black dots.

How easily I persuaded myself that, by killing them, I was defending our house, preventing it from being undermined! Yet even as I told myself this, I knew that it was the killing I loved, not the structure of our house.

Both self-examination and my experience of others tells me that evil lurks within all of us, waiting for its opportunity to spring. Civilisation may be a veneer, but it is the veneer that separates us from barbarism. Never forget Original Sin and its consequences.

Theodore Dalrymple is a prison doctor.

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 12:35 am
by roid

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 1:36 am
by roid
interesting. i almost didn't get through that, from the early text i thought it was going to be a sickening sort of far-right view :twisted:, and almost stopped reading.

what the good doctor there is describing is called a "sociopath" or suffering from "antisocial personality disorder".
it's a diagnosable mental condition.
the doctor in the article seems to completely skip past this definition, missing the chance to diagnose it. strange, very strange.

did you see the slideshow all the way upto here?
it gives paralels to the iraq situation, it may not make as much sense outof context though.

those iraqi guys who sawed off that guys head, they could have been sociopaths like mentioned in your article, or they could have just been displaying behaviour as described in my article.