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Music Industry in Aust tries to hide record-breaking sales

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 7:40 am
by roid
Recording Industry in Australia works to conceal record-breaking sales
The Recording Industry has spent a prodigious amount of effort on manipulating statistics in order to shroud the industry in the shadow of doom and gloom. In recent years, the push has been to villainize P2P users, often to such an extent that the serious career criminals are ignored when the discussion of piracy is brought up. To make matters worse, the industry has been caught playing fast and loose with consumption data, all the while ignoring the opportunity that's been in front of their face. Sadly, the trend continues. The Australian market has had its best year ever, but they're trying to cover it up to rhetorical ends.
ARIA's press release was slugged with a bizarre headline: "Music DVD continues its rise whilst CD singles slide further". A mixed year, you might think. Not so. It took a canny finance reporter, SBS's Peter Martin, to decode the spin. He had access to ARIA sales figures going back to the early 1980s. He worked out what ARIA knew but decided not to share: when sales cracked 50 million albums for the year it was the first time this had happened. And combined sales of all formats for last year climbed to more than 65 million for the first time.
This kind of behavior is simply unacceptable, and it's not limited to Australia. The BBC recently reported on a record year in the UK, too. If this is going out of business, then I want to be going out of business! It's all about the nuance, and the recording industry hates nuance. They need some simple propaganda: "sales are being killed by piracy." You, your neighbor, and little children can understand that. Politicians can, too. It sounds just awful, and if you listened to what the RIAA and friends tell you, you'd be under the impression that the industry is dying, and that every single person who has ever downloaded a copyright file online is a criminal worthy of incarceration in Oz. That's what they'd like you to think.

...article continues (lots of hyperlinks in article text too)...
the article speaks for itself and makes me so freaking acefaced, GRRR :x!
note: this isn't the RIAA, it's Australia's version of it.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 8:24 am
by Avder
This suprises you why?

DOWN WITH THE RIAA!!! (And affiliates)

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 8:29 am
by Krom
Vader wrote:This suprises you why?

DOWN WITH THE RIAA!!! (And affiliates)
what he said.

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 8:31 am
by roid
one day we'll squeese an original comment outof you krom :twisted: , one day ;)

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 10:23 am
by Dedman
I don't think I want to see or hear ANYTHING that has been squeezed out of Krom :lol:

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 11:45 am
by Testiculese
Gee, I wonder why this isn't plastered all over the [insert name] News channel?
If it wasn't for the artists, and my audiophile tendancies, I'd never buy a CD again.

Damn morals. I need heavier drugs to loosen the grip!

Posted: Wed May 12, 2004 2:01 pm
by Top Wop
This is further proof that in no way are the RIAA and other organizations (who continually practice blackmail and impliment scare tactics) concerned about the legality of such things but rather the amount of $$$ in their pockets.