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Abode Flash Update

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 2:02 pm
by Duper
Hey, is anyone having trouble with the new update as in nothing is working with flash on Firefox or IE? Youtube in particular.

We also had an Adobe installer called: "Adobe Flash Player (non-IE) Installation" that tries to install Norton, AVG and something called GetAds (malware to be sure). If you don't allow the last to install it cancels, but I think it installed something anyways.

Nothing came up on a virus sweep. I did all the usual: uninstall, clear reg, reboot d/l fresh file from Adobe site and install and reboot. Same results.

So, I'm thinking that Adobe pooched their 64bit install ...again...

Running win7 Pro 64bit. i3 (socket 1156). and Asus mobo.

Re: Abode Flash Update

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:37 pm
by Krom
Unless you are running a 64 bit browser, there is no reason to install 64 bit flash (it wouldn't work in a 32 bit browser).

Re: Abode Flash Update

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:32 pm
by Tunnelcat
I'm running Windows 64 bit and Firefox 19. Flash updated the other day just fine. Works OK too, even on youtube. Even the IE flash update went OK. I guess I should count my blessings........

Re: Abode Flash Update

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:33 pm
by Spidey
I run windows 64 bit as well, but I only run the 32 bit browser, because the 64 bit version won’t integrate with my security suite.

I haven’t had any trouble with Adobe updates, either to flash or the pdf viewer…but they can be annoying….sometimes. (at least they patch and upgrade regularly)

Sometimes I let the auto-updater do it, but when I need to work right away, I just cancel out…then go to the official site, and download. (you always have to opt out of the damn chrome browser, when you don’t use the auto)

Any adobe site asking to install anything other than Chrome*, is probably bad news.

*I’m pretty sure it’s Chrome, but don’t quote me on that.

Re: Abode Flash Update

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:55 pm
by Krom
Usually adobe flash bundles McAfee security scan plus.

Re: Abode Flash Update

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:52 pm
by Duper
Thanks for the Move Krom and my apologies.

Found the answer. It wasn't adobe. My roomate (why is that all bad news starts that way...) Updated Flash for me. ... not sure why.

The file he got had a blue and black icon. It was called "flash for other than ie browsers". And... drum roll please! it had a virus! SURPRISE!

yeah.. :rant:

It wanted to install Norton and AVG as first options (like others do with Google tool bar *blek!*) and then it wanted you to include a program called "getgoing"? You can't proceed without saying yes. And as an added bonus ...(there's that phrase again :twisted2: Used in this situation where more than one bonus is a deliverable!)) you get the virus whether you install or not. I used to a new beta program from Malwarebytes called Rootkit to find and get rid of this thing. Oh, by the time I figured this out, the trojan had loaded 3 programs onto my system. Yoonto, PC safe ..or something like that and another program I couldn't pronounce. Ran Ccleaner, S&D, and MB.
Unfortunately, this bug broke something as I kept getting programs crashing. So I used a restore point from a couple of weeks ago. ..Windows reinstall averted.>.<

And that's my bi-annual sad story.

Re: Abode Flash Update

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:56 pm
by Spidey
Speak of the devil…no less than an hour after I posted here I got an update prompt from Adobe….
The Normal Sneaky Adobe Flash Install
The Normal Sneaky Adobe Flash Install
Capture.PNG (29.22 KiB) Viewed 856 times

Re: Abode Flash Update

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 7:00 pm
by Spidey
Dude….Admin Privileges!!

Re: Abode Flash Update

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:45 am
by Duper
yeah.. i know.

I should take his away. He should have been able to get that. Oh well.