Some Pretty cool Tech

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Some Pretty cool Tech

Post by Duper »

Somehow, I don't expect to see this on an Intel processor anytime soon, but still pretty amazing.

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Re: Some Pretty cool Tech

Post by Tunnelcat »

That brought back an old memory. I actually got a Digi-Comp I, the good plastic version with metal springs instead of rubber bands, as a present when I was a kid, and I still own this the thing, even the instructions. My hubby has the one with the rubber band springs, which failed with age of course, so I technically own 2 of them. You could "program" it by installing those little plastic tubes in different spots on the 3 flip flops.The Digi-Comp II that came later was made out of cheaper cardboard. What's old is new again. I'll have to dig it out of storage and take some pics. It's where I first learned how to count in binary.

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Re: Some Pretty cool Tech

Post by Top Gun »

I think that's the sort of thing that should pop up in a grade-school science class, since it'd teach kids something about the most basic fundamentals of the technology they use every minute of every day but don't even think about. I know it took me forever before I learned a bit about what's going on in my computer a billion times per second, and even now I have only the most cursory knowledge of it.
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