Descentforum.DE moving to new server 2015

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Moderator: Do_Checkor

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DBB DemiGod
DBB DemiGod
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Descentforum.DE moving to new server 2015

Post by Do_Checkor »

Quick notice:

It is Descentforum.DE's 14th birthday this weekend. I recently announced that the DF.DE project will move to a new server (DF.NET5) and new provider in a bit.

The new game server has been bought and set up and is now being tested as Descentforum.DE 5.XX

Note that - for the last 3 years - Descentforum.DE and Descentforum.NET have been different servers anyway. Descentforum.NET 3.XX will stay the same for now. It resides on proper servers in Karlsruhe, Germany. The current Descentforum.DE (DF.NET4) is located in Berlin, Germany. However: The server provider left me with the choice of leaving or paying twice the money. So I will move all projects with that provider to a solid hosting company in Cologne, Germany, paying the same as before, but will receive twice as many CPU cores, 4 times as much RAM, and 6 times as much disk space.

This move will enable me to make a couple of projects possible - left in a frozen zone for years or months.

So if you check out Descentforum.DE 5.XX and find any problems, please let me know. I will test the new server for about 4 weeks until a swap will actually get started.

Anyway: Descentforum.DE will "only" be there for forums, chat servers, and the old picture gallery will move over there and so on. The only actual game server planned as of now is the BOZ SOD which currently already resides on Descentforum.DE (DF.NET4) with a single core CPU only. The main game servers will still stay where they are as that server runs rock solid and even the overseas players appear to be happy with that.

So long! Thanks!
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