D3 Level 15 Help

Descent mission help and more WARNING: Spoilers inside!

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D3 Level 15 Help

Post by shubho »

For the inactive generator, where is the fuse? I can't fnd it even though I've looked everywhere.
And how do I get to the passkey? I drained the left lava tank, went into the door at the bottom, but I can't get into any of the doors in the new tank. It just says 'Door Locked'.
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Post by Krom »

You have to break a window to get the fuse. From the broken reactor stay low to the ground and find a tunnel that leads to the back side of a secret door, it opens into a triangle shaped tunnel, go away from the two doors in that tunnel and you will come to a section that has windows in it, break the windows and fly into that room, the spare fuse is in a small hidden tunnel off that room.

To get to the inner stronghold key you turn on the lava pumps, and fly down the tube through that first door, then when you are facing the locked door turn around, there is a switch that unlocks the door behind you (beware, the lava starts rising once you unlock the door).
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Post by shubho »

I still can't find the fuse. I did get the passkey. I guess the fuse isn't needed, because I beat the game without it. What does the fuse do when it is put in the reactor? Stop the robot generator in the inner stronghold?
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Post by Top Gun »

No, the fuse turns on all of the energy centers in the level. There is a way to turn off all of the Matcens, however. There's a hidden door in the center of one of the energy centers, near the middle of the level. Inside, there's a room with seven switches arranged in a circle. If you hit them in the correct order, you'll turn off all the Matcens. Neither step is necessary to beat the game, but they do make it a little easier.

Edit: If you do want to know where the fuse is, check out Moon's Descendarium. It has great walkthroughs for every D3 level.
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Post by shubho »

Yeah, I did see the Descendarium and I still can't find it. Is it anywhere near the lava tanks? Or in the inner stronghold? (I had assumed it wasn't there because in the Descendarium it says to get the fuse first and then the passkey) :? And previously, I had turned off all the matcens using those seven switches, but the one in the inner stronghold kept producing those guys that shoot homing missiles.
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Post by shubho »

I found the fuse. The tunnelway was mostly brick (not glass at least) so I didn't notice when the windows came. Just me being blind. :)
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Post by Boo »

I belive it turns off everything but the ones in the stronghold. There's also a minor bug with the switches: there are two ways to turn off all the matcens, but only one disables the forcefield in the room.
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Post by AceCombat »

Boo wrote:I belive it turns off everything but the ones in the stronghold. There's also a minor bug with the switches: there are two ways to turn off all the matcens, but only one disables the forcefield in the room.

thats what im have been trying to figure out for a long time.....how do you turn off that GD forcefield.

ive been in dire need of those Sharks and Megas in there.

Shubho....do you know how to get to that reactor? if not ill show you in Co-op mode. or i can make a demo movie on how to get to the matcen switches...the sequence to turn off the matcens... and finally where to place the fuse. the movie is going to be pretty big on getting all that stuff to work
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Post by Sapphire Wolf »

Sorry to be off topic but, There's a region bug in level 15, If you enter the Boss's Chamber, The Region is set to "outside", instead of "Boss" I know there Isn't a cpp file for level 15
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Post by shubho »

Yeah, I figured out the reactor and the fuse and the matcens (even though the one in the inner stronghold was still working). With the energy center and the enery to shields converter you can theoretically have unlimited health (if you don't mind your energy being at 100). The sequence to disable the forcefield and the matcens is 5 - 3 - 2 - 7 - 4 (from left to right, so 5 would be the 5th switch from the left).
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Post by AceCombat »

you cant disable the Inner Strong Hold matcen....
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