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Infamous Ingus
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Post by Infamous Ingus »

Since C.S.I has spinoffs, it is time for Ingus to explore a new galaxy. A galaxy to reek some freekin havoc.

So heres a little promo of the ingus chronicles in Unreal Tournament 2004. Heh!

information. No advertising/spamming/flooding/warez talk/other lame behaviour allowed. Speak English only.
<VICIOUS> This is so boring siting here
<YogerT> Kill_em_all the map is in your cache folder
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<VICIOUS> what do u guys find fun?
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<[8]Ferno> INGUS!
<VICIOUS> HONEST TO GOD: is everyone here geeks?
<Ingus> hi
<[8]Ferno> depends on your definition of geek
<Philip> there is only one definition
<[8]Ferno> and that would be...
<VICIOUS> and...
<Ingus> Good evening everyone. I am so proud to own a brand new copy of Unreal Tournament Two Thousand and Four for my personal computer
<VICIOUS> yes....
<Philip> A person regarded as foolish, inept, or clumsy.
<Philip> A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.
<Ingus> hello vicious
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<Ingus> we meet at last
*** Ky1 ( has left #ut
<Philip> A carnival performer whose show consists of bizarre acts, such as biting the head off a live chicken.
*** Z-Man is now known as [IG]Z-Man
<[8]Ferno> then you should see my act
<VICIOUS> ingus: ur crazy
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<Ingus> sir, vicious, are you an unreal veteran?
<Philip> who wants to play ut
<Kill_em_all> ok I found the cache folder but how do I make a map out of that file?
<Ingus> if so i must bow
<VICIOUS> what do u mean
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<Tess> nite
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<Ingus> are you a veteran, the guys that jump around constantly like fackin popcorns
<[8]Ferno> i'm up to biting two chickenheads off at the same time now
<[8]Ferno> maybe i can do three
<Ingus> passing out headshots every shot
<[8]Ferno> FPS dave
<Ingus> because ingus seeks guidance from one such as yourself
<[8]Ferno> lol
<VICIOUS> but not any longer
<Kill_em_all> philip how do I use those files as a map?
<Ingus> for right now, ingus is cruising with denzel washington on training day
<VICIOUS> i have dial up now
<VICIOUS> i am stuck in the chatrooms
<Ingus> Well so do i
*** [IG]Z-Man is now known as [GI]Z-Man
<Ingus> AOL 56k of american muscle baby
<Philip> go to ut200X hq. then scroll down. ut2004 HQ. and download GU Cache cleaner
<Philip> it sorts it out for u
<VICIOUS> u have dial up
<Ingus> oh yes of course
<Ingus> American Online
<VICIOUS> its unplayable
<Ingus> its the only way to fly
<VICIOUS> on this ★■◆●
<Ingus> you must believe
<VICIOUS> i have bellsout
<VICIOUS> south
<[8]Ferno> my room sounds like a club
<VICIOUS> I was waisting all my money on games
<Ingus> it gives me confidence in battle
<VICIOUS> had to switch to @5 a month inernet
<Ingus> and seeing that im trained in the great ninja arts that helps as well
<VICIOUS> hahahah
<[8]Ferno> i got two twelves in a sealed bix and they're at 11, crying for mommy!
<Ingus> Ingus applies the "Art of War" to his game
<VICIOUS> batosai
*** UTServ sets mode: -b *!*
*** [GI]Z-Man is now known as Z-Man
*** Z-Man is now known as sequi-ismybitch
<Ingus> The art of war is a valuable tool to Ingus's arsenal
<VICIOUS> if there were swords in this game...i would use them instead of primative projectile weapons...
<[8]Ferno> i should read that
<Ingus> well my friend primative is walking on the ground
<VICIOUS> Morpheus3
<VICIOUS> with swords
<Ingus> ingus gets annoyed as every game he installs, it's the same guy holding a gun that pokes out the right side of your screen
<VICIOUS> mu a ha ha
<Ingus> that is so uncivilized
<VICIOUS> haha
<VICIOUS> single person shooter games get kind of old...
<VICIOUS> huh?
<Ingus> ingus prefers a much more strategic approach
<[8]Ferno> boom boom boom
<VICIOUS> first
<VICIOUS> person shooter
<VICIOUS> strategy is what its all about
*** sequi-ismybitch is now known as sequi
<[IG]Sequi> omg
<[IG]Sequi> wtf
<[8]Ferno> this game has strategy? holy ★■◆●!
<[IG]Sequi> isnt that illegal
<VICIOUS> who r u ingus?
<[8]Ferno> haha
<VICIOUS> really
<[8]Ferno> he be ingus
<Ingus> Lord Gregory Ingus, the First
<[8]Ferno> he
<[8]Ferno> is like the wind baby!
<VICIOUS> maybe
<VICIOUS> when i'm around
*** eViLSlie is now known as Slie
<Ingus> and as ingus travels in his "STARSHIP", he took a wrong turn and ended up.............Here
*** sequi is now known as sequiisahomo
<VICIOUS> swords r better than guns
<Ingus> ships are better than boots
<VICIOUS> did anyone else see avp?
<VICIOUS> alien verses predator
<Ingus> apparently no. Have you, Sir Vicious?
<VICIOUS> anyone see it
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<Ingus> is it worth ingus's bucks?
<VICIOUS> yes yes yes
<VICIOUS> definitly
<Ingus> well then Ingus shall venture to the theaters to do battle with both Alien and Predator
<VICIOUS> i went to go see it while a hurricane was passing through
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<VICIOUS> hahahaha
<Ingus> they will be no match
<VICIOUS> for u
<VICIOUS> u crack me up
<Ingus> of course for ingus
<VICIOUS> like some batosai
<Ingus> ingus has the power of 10 gods rolled into a pinto bean can
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<VICIOUS> some mid evil warrior
<Ingus> he would ingusificate each creature in the GREAT NINJA WAY
<Ingus> there will be no escape
<VICIOUS> who do u root for ingus? alien or predator?
<Ingus> Ingus's ship is now orbiting the planet unreal
<VICIOUS> alien or predator?
*** [DJ]atomics is now known as atomics|afk
<VICIOUS> who side u take?
<Ingus> and when dooms day arrives he will OBLITERATE every single player in unreal tournament, including the guns, and the bots
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<VICIOUS> ....
*** Philip has quit IRC (Quit: I'm busy your ugly, have a nice day!)
<Ingus> there will be no escape
<VICIOUS> is ingus still with us?
*** TETIS has quit IRC (Client closed connection)
<Ingus> oooooo! Buffy the vampire slayer is on!
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*** sequiisahomo is now known as Warhorse
<VICIOUS> i will still be dealing headshots
<[8]Ferno> man.. my nuts are sweatin and they're makin this funky smell

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Post by kurupt »

i knew that was ferno i smelled on the drive to work this morning...
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Post by Zero! »

lol :lol:
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Post by Ferno »

I was being rather tame in there.
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Sergeant Thorne
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »


I must admit, the same question has crossed my mind once or twice. ;) Ingus, your sense of humor cracks me up. You've got class.

May the UT hordes fall before the 3rd-person! ;)
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Mr. Perfect
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Post by Mr. Perfect »

Lol at the Pinto Bean Can.
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Vertigo 99
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Post by Vertigo 99 »

"he's ba-ack"
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Post by woodchip »

From pinto beans, to Ferno, to goes Ingus.
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Post by Vlider »

As Ingus continues his training to become the first unreal Sithlord, he made a quick stop to unreal chat to meet more people.

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<{WR}blackhelldragon> no
<unreal> yah where it at
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> hello Ingus
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> where what at?
<Ingus> Ingus apologizes for not appearing yesterday
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> its ok Ingus.
<Ingus> he was busy tending to busy things
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<[dbm]Van_Hazen> i like how you talk about yourself via 3rd person
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<Ingus> what is 3rd person?
*** Mr_Elusive has quit IRC (Quit: Frag off!
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> holy ★■◆●
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> you musta not been 2 nglish class
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<{WR}blackhelldragon> lol
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> (no offense)
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<Ingus> neither have you
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> its like
<Ingus> nglish is pronounced
<MasterShogun> i am here
*** {aWc}D`away is now known as {aWc}D
<Ingus> "english"
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> when you talk about urself
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> like someone elsewould
<[SCB]Turbidity> ingus - where the camera is behind you instead of in the eyes of the character
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> thats my typing skills
<Ingus> Ingus isnt talking about himself
*** MasterShogun is now known as [AS]MasterShogun
<[SCB]Turbidity> exactly!
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> ?!?!
<[AS]MasterShogun> Turb hey
<[SCB]Turbidity> hey
<[AS]MasterShogun> school yummy
<[SCB]Turbidity> meh.
<[AS]MasterShogun> i got to reserch Job ideas
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<{WR}blackhelldragon> school sucks i hate it

<[dbm]Van_Hazen> same here
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> wait
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<[dbm]Van_Hazen> i havent gone back yet
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> :-D
<Ingus> Ingus obliterated several players today, in the great ninja way
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<[AS]MasterShogun> Florida Highway Patrol oh yes
<{WR}blackhelldragon> lucky
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> i still dont know why i go back on a thursday
<Ingus> they could not withstand the might of ingus
<[AS]MasterShogun> brb
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<[ArCh]Zero> brb
*** Larry ( has joined #ut
<Ingus> greetings Larry
<Ingus> Ingus has been expecting you
*** {WR}blackhelldragon is now known as blackhelldragon
<Ingus> we have a great a many things to discuss
<BaDLarrY> o_0
*** xes|overide ( has joined #ut
<Ingus> Ingus must ask you, when did you go bad and why?
<[AS]MasterShogun> Hello Ingus
<Ingus> greetings shogun
<Ingus> Ingus will have you know he is a ninja master
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<[AS]MasterShogun> I am glad you are here
<[AS]MasterShogun> Shogun will have you know you obey him
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<[AS]MasterShogun> ;)
*** Larry has quit IRC (Quit: Disconnected)
<Ingus> goodness
*** Vertigo (~u3068885@ has left #ut
<Ingus> ninjas are far more elite than samurai
<{oda}demon_lord> WHAT DOES AS STAND 4 SHOGUN
<UTServ> Please try not to abuse caps {oda}demon_lord.
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<[IG-t]Maniac> alohahoi
*** [IG]Superman ( has joined #ut
<[AS]MasterShogun> ninjas are dishonoerd Samurai and im not getting into it with some silly kid
<[IG-t]Maniac> hello superman
<{aWc}D> Any-one who wants to join a clan, join channel #aWc, there you will be recruited.
<[AS]MasterShogun> Lord AS is Astley Shogunate
<Ingus> You are gravely mistaken, Shogun
<[AS]MasterShogun> and you are an Idiot
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<[dbm]Van_Hazen> i honorShogun
<{oda}demon_lord> OK
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<[ArCh]Angel> since no one needs me ima go play
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> Shogun is an honorale man
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<[DS]Raptor_Rage> ^_#<O>,_,<O>#_^

<Ingus> a ninja warrior such as ingus is far more superior than a shogun
<[AS]MasterShogun> i will no longer speak to you Ingus
<indoizm> master server down again ?
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> ingus is a ★■◆●.
<indoizm> geez
<Ingus> as you wish
<[AS]MasterShogun> So whats oing on in here guys?
<[IG]Superman> sup
<Ingus> suit yourself
<[ArCh]Angel> <--Teh Awayness
*** [IG]Warhorse has quit IRC (Quit: Fear me, For I am your GOD)
<[AS]MasterShogun> Going*
<Ingus> however if you dare speak to ingus again, you will be oblierated in the Great Ninja Way
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> obliterate me
*** indoizm has quit IRC (Client closed connection)
<Ingus> no thanks
<[AS]MasterShogun> your a Baka Ingus
<[AS]MasterShogun> nothing more
<[DS]Raptor_Rage> '^'_#<^>,_,<^>#_'^'
<Ingus> Ingus saves his arsenal for someone worthy
<[AS]MasterShogun> Raptor you were told lol
<Ingus> Ingus can obliterate anyone in the land of unreal
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<[dbm]Van_Hazen> oblitereate
<[DS]Raptor_Rage> I know srr its habbit forming
<Disturbedo_0> Hello
<[DS]Raptor_Rage> lloll
<[AS]MasterShogun> your faces are awsome Raptor
<Ingus> listen carefully Van Hazen
*** xes|overide is now known as overide
<Ingus> you are a "Ground Pounder"
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<Ingus> do you know what that is?
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<[dbm]Van_Hazen> yes.
<Leap_Of_Fate> hey everybody
<[AS]MasterShogun> careful Van hes a vicious 12 yr old
<[AS]MasterShogun> hi
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> LOL
<Ingus> explain, because ingus has another meaning
<[DS]Raptor_Rage> ty '^'_#<^>\,_,/<O>#
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> im vicious 14 yr old
<[AS]MasterShogun> Excelent
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> damn it
<[AS]MasterShogun> im sorry did i say vicious i ment Ignorant Brat
<Ingus> pour Shogun, Ingus understands that this game harbors kids 12 years of age
<[AS]MasterShogun> but enough of that
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> his 12 yr old l33tness is 2 much for me
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> AHHHH!!!
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> help !
<[AS]MasterShogun> lol
<Ingus> however, ingus isnt a 12 year old
<[AS]MasterShogun> what?
<[AS]MasterShogun> what Van?
<Ingus> he exist beyond time
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> Ingus attacked !
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> with his supperior typing !i
<Ingus> now again, ingus must ask, What is your meaning for the term "Ground Pounder"?
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> mine?
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> it is
<[AS]MasterShogun> Ingus is a feeble AOL user
<Ingus> because ingus's meaning is far more accurate , yet he is willing to be amused now SPEAK to Ingus
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> me whipping your ass, oin your turf.
<[SCB]Turbidity> buuurrrrnnnnn
<[AS]MasterShogun> lol
<Ingus> so that's what a Ground Pounder is?
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<[AS]MasterShogun> Turb you have to see this doofus Ingus
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> ill whip ur ass boy
<[AS]MasterShogun> some AOL kid
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> back the ★■◆● down and pay your dues.
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<[SCB]Turbidity> Turb has been watching.
<[AS]MasterShogun> chatting here threw Newyork
<[IG-t]Maniac> lol
<Ingus> is that your final statement?
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> yes
<[IG-t]Maniac> this chats sorta went to hell
<[IG-t]Maniac> lots of spammage
*** BaDLarrY is now known as NakeDLarrY
<[AS]MasterShogun> lol
<Ingus> is that what a ground pounder is? a kicking butt on someone else's turf?
<[AS]MasterShogun> yes its the swarm of newbis
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> im going here later ut2004://
<[AS]MasterShogun> newbies
<[AS]MasterShogun> bye
<[IG-t]Maniac> lol
<Ingus> ingus wanted to describe you and the rest of , "this place"
<Ingus> you are a ground pounder
<Ingus> a boot stepin' grunt that jumps around all over the place like you're part kangaroo
<Ingus> and you pack these big guns that can fit on the side of a helicopter. it makes sense that this game is called "Unreal"
<[AS]MasterShogun> lol
<Ingus> good day master shogun. We will meet again

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<Ingus> Good evening
<Ingus> Ingus has returned
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<Ingus> the flak cannon is an oustanding piece of weaponry
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<[AS]MasterShogun> i hate that
<Ingus> people are just quickly drawn into ingus's path
<Coball> hmm, i can't even scroll the chat window. somethings deffinitely messed up.
<Ingus> hello coball
<[AS]MasterShogun> i wish they would turn the quit messages off or make them less THERE
<[IG-t]Maniac> dude schill and quit spamming
<Ingus> have a seat
<Coball> hi
<Coball> me?
<Ingus> you are now famous
<[IG-t]Maniac> check your control settings and click on default
<Ingus> ingus has spoken to you
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<[IG-t]Maniac> that should hopfally fix your problem if u changed a key on accident
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<[AS]MasterShogun> Ingus please stop typing small crap make it worth reading were trying to help people here
<Coball> I have not changed anything. Mosue wheel up and down is still set to swap weapons but its not doing that.
<Ingus> Master Shogun : It has just appeared to Ingus, that you insulted his American Online internet "connection"
<[IG-t]Maniac> can u switch weapons at all
<[IG-t]Maniac> aol sucks
<[IG-t]Maniac> =P
<Coball> yes, using number keys
<[AS]MasterShogun> what Ingus?
<Avihs> Ingus, AOL is commonly used as a method to disable internet access
<Ingus> do not underestimate ingus's aol account
<KiLLA-Newb> when will BTX motherboards be available???????????????????
<Ingus> it is a powerful being
<[AS]MasterShogun> Killa your spaming stop it
<Avihs> ingus, crack is powerful, too
<[AS]MasterShogun> we dont know
<KiLLA-Newb> i'm sorry
<[AS]MasterShogun> lol
<Ingus> killa isnt spamming
<KiLLA-Newb> but i wanna know
<[AS]MasterShogun> try googling it Killa
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<Ingus> he's mearly trying to get the attention of someone with purpose
<[AS]MasterShogun> perhaps there website will say
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<Ingus> but however as we can see, none of you can help him
<[AS]MasterShogun> try that Killa :)
<[AS]MasterShogun> Ingus you are a real Lamer
<KiLLA-Newb> i did, but i wanna know what u guys have to say ;-)
<[AS]MasterShogun> you can be baned for that

<Ingus> what is a lamer and maybe ingus can determine if he is one
<Disturbedo_0> What's up everyone?
*** {oda}demon_lord (~u3036206@ has joined #ut
<Ingus> hi disturb
<Disturbedo_0> Hey
<[AS]MasterShogun> Killa im afriad i havent heard anything about the status of the MotherBoard
<[AS]MasterShogun> :s
*** Davixxx ( has joined #ut
<Ingus> now thats more like it mastershogun
<Ingus> you helped someone
<[AS]MasterShogun> What?
<KiLLA-Newb> o, it's supposed to replace the ATX
<Ingus> ingus is proud
<Disturbedo_0> What's up Ingus?
<Ingus> we need more people like you in this community
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<[AS]MasterShogun> be quiet before i set you on ignore
<[AS]MasterShogun> yes we do lol
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<Ingus> please ignore ingus
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<[AS]MasterShogun> lol
*** [M]eL (~u3096503@ has joined #ut
<[AS]MasterShogun> your funny Ingus
<[M]eL> HEY
<Ingus> then ingus wont have to worry about you standing in his path of destruction that is yet to come
<[AS]MasterShogun> hi eL
*** Konker ( has joined #ut
<[M]eL> lol its mel but hi
<Ingus> you are speaking to the greatest unreal player of all time, two days in the game and he is a artist
<[M]eL> hehe
<Ingus> now go ahead insult ingus
<[AS]MasterShogun> if you say so Ingus
<Konker> Is everyone having Master Server connection problems
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*** [BBF]eXiLe ( has joined #ut
<[M]eL> nope
<[M]eL> i did yesterday...
<Ingus> ingus knows so
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<[AS]MasterShogun> tho there are plenty of people here that would gladly pick uo apart with the shield gun
<[AS]MasterShogun> Konker
<[BBF]eXiLe> heey old friend corpis
* [AS]MasterShogun .....The MasterServer maybe down due to teawks and\or bug fixes. Please wait a while and try again later, Thank you. :)
<Konker> ya
<Ingus> the shield gun?
*** Lorcan_Cathal ( has joined #ut
<[BBF]eXiLe> hey old corpus
<Ingus> ingus can jump on you and kill you
<[BBF]eXiLe> tcorpis*
<[BBF]eXiLe> corpis*
<[M]eL> ?? y do u speak in third person ingus?
*** AngryButler ( has joined #ut
<{aWc}D> Any-one who wants to join a clan, join channel #aWc, there you will be recruited.
<Ingus> ingus wears a new pair of shoes each outing in a game of unreal.

<Ingus> ingus wears a new pair of shoes each outing in a game of unreal
<[AS]MasterShogun> Konker they have been teawking the server trying to fix some bugs
<AngryButler> hey guys my other cousins are hear
<Ingus> mel: what is 3rd person?
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<Konker> oh
<[AS]MasterShogun> Mel hes a crazy 12 yr old
<Ingus> ingus has on his reebok pumps right now
<Lorcan_Cathal> is anyone else having problems connect to frag ops server?
<[M]eL> where u say ingus instead of me n i
*** AngryButler has quit IRC (Quit: Disconnected)
<Konker> ok
*** [IG]Sequi ( has joined #ut
<Ingus> and word is, they can really make you jump high
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<[AS]MasterShogun> Cathal
<[M]eL> like that
*** Oblivion is now known as [HR]Oblivion
<[M]eL> lol ok 12 eh?
<[AS]MasterShogun> ;)
<[AS]MasterShogun> sure is acting like it
<[M]eL> hehe
<Lorcan_Cathal> why can't i connect to the master server of frag ops
<Ingus> but when we do battle Master Shogun Warrior, ingus will wear his cowboy boots
*** Orin_Al has quit IRC (Quit: Disconnected)
<[AS]MasterShogun> the Master Ninja and that jazz
<Lorcan_Cathal> what SHOGUN
<[AS]MasterShogun> Awsome Ingus
<Lorcan_Cathal> ???
<[M]eL> whats #aWc like?
<Ingus> your demise will be , quite frankly ingus doesnt know what it will be
<[AS]MasterShogun> The master Server of UT is being updated i think its somthing to do with the Stats system
*** pILL ( has joined #ut
<[AS]MasterShogun> joy
<Ingus> to set the record straight, the master server is on the phone with ingus
*** afrothebear ( has joined #ut
<[M]eL> its really wierd when u talk...type like that
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<[M]eL> how do i join it?
*** Lorcan_Cathal ( has left #ut
<[BBF]eXiLe> 345435433g5435jkg435jkg435kg4353g5kgjkg435jkg43kg435jkgk5jg435k4435g43kggg435g435kg43kg43435kg4354358345435435k3443g5k354g435kg435jkg345jkg43534543
<[AS]MasterShogun> Mel type /join #aWc
<Ingus> it is trying to negotiate a 3 year deal and a 20 million signing bonus to become the first espn professional unreal athlete
<[SCB]Turbidity> type /join #aWc
<[AS]MasterShogun> HA
<[M]eL> k tas
<[M]eL> lol
<[SCB]Turbidity> again!
<[AS]MasterShogun> beat you slow old man
*** [IG]Scorch has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Ingus> however ingus is weighing his options
<[SCB]Turbidity> i'll get you, just wait
*** Akkis ( has joined #ut
<[M]eL> he should get kicked
<[M]eL> lol nah.

*** UTServ sets mode: +b *!*
<[AS]MasterShogun> who
*** [BBF]eXiLe was kicked by UTServ (spam in your own pm)
<[AS]MasterShogun> Ingus yes
<[M]eL> exile
*** Akkis has quit IRC (Client closed connection)
<[M]eL> lol him to
<[AS]MasterShogun> or him
<Ingus> sad sad
<Konker> can you connect to here through mIRC
<[AS]MasterShogun> lol
<Ingus> exile will be missed
<[AS]MasterShogun> Utserv will get Ingus soon
<Ingus> ingus is the only one that could understand him
<[M]eL> lol
<[AS]MasterShogun> Konker i am on mIRC now
<Konker> oh
<[AS]MasterShogun> :)
<[AS]MasterShogun> you need the server?
<[AS]MasterShogun> for mIRC
*** ChanServ sets mode: +l 120
*** afrothebear has quit IRC (Quit: Disconnected)
<Konker> Naw i'm not gonna try now
<Ingus> kicked for what? Ingus hasn't destroyed anyone
*** [IG]Warhorse ( has joined #ut
<[AS]MasterShogun> Ingus your making our IQs lower by the min
<Konker> can you connect 2 other IRC chanels through UT
<[M]eL> lol
<[AS]MasterShogun> yes
<[AS]MasterShogun> there are usualy about 3000 Rooms on this server
<[M]eL> ive neva used mIRC
*** minion (corrupt@RocketRevengers.on.EnterTheGame.Com) has left #ut
<Ingus> well then if you would ignore ingus like you were scheduled to do 12 minutes ago then you wouldnt have that problem
*** [IG]Warhorse has quit IRC (Quit: Fear me, For I am your GOD)
<Ingus> and remember, ingus is lower his IQ to communicate with you
*** Bobidy_Boop ( has joined #ut
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<[AS]MasterShogun> im not a bad guy Ingus you may nbeed help
<[M]eL> sure sure
<[AS]MasterShogun> need
<[M]eL> lol
<[AS]MasterShogun> lol
<{oda}demon_lord> kill who
<Konker> ANY?ONE
<Ingus> [M]eL: Ingus cant help but ask, what in god's name is wrong with your name?
<{oda}demon_lord> stay away
<[M]eL> its cool :)
<[M]eL> hehe
<Ingus> sounds like you are about to fall off a cliff each time ingus pronounces it
*** ChanServ sets mode: +l 118
<[M]eL> ??
<Ingus> not too bright.

*** Yoshiro has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<[AS]MasterShogun> hey Cathal
<[M]eL> all the technical ppl have the brackets
<Lorcan_Cathal> sup
<[M]eL> the sky
<Ingus> ingus want to inform you all before he goes... about his new Unreal Ingus Action Figures that are coming soon to a gaming store near you
<[M]eL> in australia?
<Lorcan_Cathal> anyway, i connected finally, but where can i just download FOmisc
<Ingus> yes
<[AS]MasterShogun> i will be sure to buy one and melt the face
<[M]eL> lol me too
<{oda}demon_lord> ingus r u human u talk weird
*** Konker has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Ingus> and while your melting it's face, ingus's pockets get fatter
<[M]eL> i no!!
<[M]eL> r u an ai
*** overide has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Ingus> demon lord : thats mighty funny coming from someone named demon
<Lorcan_Cathal> nvm bbl
*** Lorcan_Cathal has quit IRC (Quit: Disconnected)
<[M]eL> bye
<[AS]MasterShogun> lol
<[M]eL> lol
<[AS]MasterShogun> bye?
<{oda}demon_lord> ingus r u human u talk weird
*** dragonslayer_joe (~u5312571@ has joined #ut
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*** dragonslayer_joe (~u5312571@ has joined #ut
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<Ingus> but since you must know, ingus is a student of Alien Literature
*** ChanServ sets mode: +l 114
<[M]eL> someone was leaving so i said bye
<[AS]MasterShogun> ah
<{oda}demon_lord> wat folly
<[M]eL> im sick...*cogh*
<[M]eL> cough
<[M]eL> hehe no schoooool
*** FCE2|Muppet ( has joined #UT
<[SCB]Turbidity> no demon, Ingus isn't human.
*** Corpis is now known as CorpIsAFK
<[SCB]Turbidity> he's actually a typing zebra.
<[M]eL> lol
*** dragonslayer_joe (~u5312571@ has joined #ut
*** dragonslayer_joe has quit IRC (Client closed connection)
<[AS]MasterShogun> im homeschooled the only way to get out of school is... theres no way lol
<{oda}demon_lord> wat folly
<Ingus> now, if everyone will excuse ingus, he has to prepare a dish of grapes
*** ChanServ sets mode: +l 115
<Ingus> we all will meet again
<[M]eL> noo
<[M]eL> hehe
<[M]eL> bye
<[SCB]Turbidity> you like those, don't you...ZEBRA
<{oda}demon_lord> buh bye

*** The_Sogunna ( has joined #ut
<Ingus> and for your sakes pray that it is in here and not on the battle field
<{oda}demon_lord> just go allready
<[AS]MasterShogun> hi Sogunna
*** Terrorclaw has quit IRC (Client closed connection)
<The_Sogunna> hey wud up
<Ingus> or ingus will be passing out a lot of ingusifcating applications
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> yo
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> hogunna how old r u?
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> sogunna*
<The_Sogunna> 18
<The_Sogunna> y
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> you want in a clan?
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> we'll have 2 try you
<Ingus> good-bye, ,,,,,,darn Sogunna your name, ingus is just drawn to it but he must vacate this chat facility so people below his IQ level can step inside
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> but we are recruiting
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> e need ppl bad
<[AS]MasterShogun> wha Van?
<[M]eL> ingus u gone yet?
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> im talking to the shogunna
<The_Sogunna> oh
<[AS]MasterShogun> ah
<The_Sogunna> ium r u new
<[AS]MasterShogun> im not good enough
*** Eh^DizZz has quit IRC (Quit: )
<[dbm]Van_Hazen> join #dbm if ur interested,
<Ingus> heh, ingus will be honored to travel to the fortress of "dbm". What does it mean?

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Post by Beowulf »

I will always be a disciple of the Great Ninja Way.
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Post by Jeff250 »

Yeah, I'm too lazy to read all of that, so I'll just assume it's Ingus pwning everyone.
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Post by snoopy »

Jeff250 wrote:Yeah, I'm too lazy to read all of that, so I'll just assume it's Ingus pwning everyone.
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Post by DCrazy »

Jeff250 wrote:Yeah, I'm too lazy to read all of that, so I'll just assume it's Ingus Vlider pwning everyone.
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F reading that crap

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Too many lazy people here :P.
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Post by Pun »

I read it and loved it! All hail Lord Ingus!
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Post by bash »

Jeff250 wrote:Yeah, I'm too lazy to read all of that, so I'll just assume it's Ingus pwning everyone.
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Post by Skyalmian »

I want my Bruce Lee Ingus action figure, damnit.
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Post by TheCops »

ya, and i want my "gregory ingus the firsts summer lingerie catalog", damnit.
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Post by KompresZor »

punisher wrote:I read it and loved it! All hail Lord Ingus!
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Post by Zero! »

KompresZor wrote:
punisher wrote:I read it and loved it! All hail Lord Ingus!
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Post by Warlock »

and the point of all this is
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Post by Jagger »

TheCops wrote:ya, and i want my "gregory ingus the firsts summer lingerie catalog", damnit.
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Post by Top Gun »

Warlock wrote:and the point of all this is
To glorify all that is Ingus, of course! :P
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Post by Pun »

(05:42 PM) <[8]Punisher> (05:38 PM) * You were kicked from #UT by UTServ (Ingus - Ban Evasion / acting like and idiot / language)
Wooo baby! Carter took my place tho! Ingus is beautiful and terrible. Ingus cannot be stopped. Ingus is like the wind!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Post by Infamous Ingus »

wtf. I was banned while i was at work, what did you guys do? curse?
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Post by Pun »

Umm, is queef a curse word?

edit: Don't blame me though. This from an enterthegame op:

(03:54 PM) -hAiNeSy- Whahahahaa! UTServ kicked your ass off #ut at 21:54:00 on 20/08/2004 and you are the 310th person I've seen kicked today!!
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