Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 6:27 pm
Wasn't that part of the justification to go to war?"[Saddam] wanted to end sanctions while preserving the capability to reconstitute his weapons of mass destruction when sanctions were lifted," a summary of the report says.
But Duelfer also supports Bushâ??s argument that Saddam remained a threat. Interviews with the toppled leader and other former Iraqi officials made clear that Saddam had not lost his ambition to pursue weapons of mass destruction and hoped to revive his weapons program if U.N. sanctions were lifted, his report said.
â??What is clear is that Saddam retained his notions of use of force, and had experiences that demonstrated the utility of WMD,â?
Although they found no evidence that Saddam had made any WMD since 1992, they found documents which showed the "guiding theme" of his regime was to be able to start making them again with as short a lead time as possible.", it says, even fooled his own military chiefs into believing that he had WMD. This was designed to deter uprising from rebel Iraqis, on whom he deployed mustard gas in 1988, and aggressors in the Middle East.
Tariq Aziz, the former Iraqi deputy prime minister, told the ISG that the "primary motive for French co-operation" was to secure lucrative oil deals when UN sanctions were lifted. Total, the French oil giant, had been promised exploration rights.
Despite almost two years of mudslinging and distortions, I remain convinced America held to its principles and did the right thing. When the smoke clears in a year or so, I believe even our fair-weather friends will grudgingly admit the world is a safer world for our actions (well, probably not the FrenchA memo sent to Saddam dated in May last year from his intelligence corps said they met with a "French parliamentarian" who "assured Iraq that France would use its veto in the UN Security Council against any American decision to attack Iraq."
Apparantly we were supposed to wait until a democrat with enough balls to take the heat was in the Whitehouse so he could lead the way.bash wrote:Man, it was one slow-azz rush considering it took almost 12 years.
You're right, the whole inspections sham was a debacle! And after twelve years of letting Saddam bribe his way out of jail a new sherrif came to town, and now Saddam's toast.Birdseye wrote:I think we're forgetting here the whole debacle of whether or not we could afford to wait for more inspections.
So you won't be posting in E&C anymore?I already know your counter argument, so don't bother ;p
Oh, knock that off. It does no good to suggest that people believe things for irrational, political reasons and need to "let go." Especially not when they say reasonable things like Tyranny just did. Really, I'm in the same boat as he is.Birdseye wrote:Let go, Tyr. There are no WMDs.
Now, 5 percent is certainly small enough that you can be reasonably sure, but it's also an awful lot bigger than zero. So even the guy who wrote the report is only about 95% sure that there were no weapons. That's pretty sure, but don't go waving it around as gospel truth just yet.The article wrote:Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, asked Duelfer about the future likelihood of finding weapons of mass destruction, to which Duelfer replied, "The chance of finding a significant stockpile is less than 5 percent."
U.S. officials said the Duelfer report is "comprehensive," but they are not calling it a "final report" because there are still some loose ends to tie up.
One outstanding issue, an official said, is whether Iraq shipped any stockpiles of weapons outside of the country. Another issue, he said, is mobile biological weapons labs, a matter on which he said "there is still useful work to do."
Heh, I'd like to think I'm not arguing for something as silly as that. It's a little different. That's believing something there never was evidence for. This is changing views due to opposing evidence.Birdseye wrote:Sure, there is a chance. There's also a chance aliens live on the moon, Venus etc. You can't prove they don't live there.
Ya, that's what has really clinched it for me. Although the republican knee-jerkers are still grasping at the final straws regarding WMDs, the administration itself finally admits the WMDs aren't there.Then again, if Cheney's given up, we may be past the giving up point. He's in a better position to judge than I, and probably has more egg on his face about it, too. Odd, the things we count as evidence, isn't it?
Woodchip you ignorant slut.woodchip wrote:So now we're absolutely sure there are no WMD's in Iraq. Funny how not too long age the whole world was absolutely sure there were WMD's in Iraq. I'm always a little sceptable when people are absolutely sure of anything.
Oh young woodchip, did ye not forget the warnings myself and other "leftists" were so prophetic in declaring?Funny how not too long age the whole world was absolutely sure there were WMD's in Iraq. I'm always a little sceptable when people are absolutely sure of anything.
Oh sure he did! Everyone knows that U.S. presidents are mysteriously compelled to attack Iraq. But to do so, they must intentionally mislead Americans with untruths in order to follow that fateful Siren's call to arms. Yessir, nothing like an unprovoked attack against some innocent sovereign in the middle east to get you that wartime power high, baby.BlueFlames wrote:Sure, Clinton misled the American people.