Duper from Descentforum.DE wrote:I have toggled away most of the cells. ..in fact .. what you can see from the level is about all that is left. The top of the level will be open, but I will not use the traditional terrain technique. I left the terrain there as a guild to where the "invisible ceiling" is. This is why I said it was ROUGH. Finishing this mine inside a week will be a peice of cake. There is no real super stenuous architecture in this particular level. The following levels will be a bit mroe involved. Again, this depends entirely on how mcuh time I'll be able to spend. Right now, I can only work on it about 2 hours a day. The weekend, maybe 8 hours.
As I said. I wanted feedback on the relative size.
Also, What about doors? A couple of months ago, I was tossingthis idea around and several people suggested, or rather nearly demanded that the doors not be used. I'm a bit of a "purest" and prefer that a level is as true to the original as possible with appropriate modifications.
Let me know what you think. I had not intended to use them, but adding them is not a problem, even after the fact.
Very nice rocks. I like the detail on the passageway into the mountain.
I never played the level your trying to port but I think the mountain could be wider. A door might be nice at the end of the corridor after the starting room.
the mountain grow a little then. I was kinda thinkin the same thing.
I just shot Slowguy an e-mail and it looks like we will be making some doors for it. I'd like to see a "port" or rather a recreation from scratch if the original. His work is impeccable. He's already made a killer secret door! Doing so has fixed a M-A-J-O-R hurdle that was facing me for the rest of the series.
They will be a bit on the quick side as D3 players don't like to wait .. or rather are unable to plan ahead for the door in front of them. n00bs.
If anyone wants to help beta this set. Keep posting here. the next release will be when this level is "done". It will get tweeked with your help then I'll (we'll) start on the next.