D1X Joystick Trouble

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D1X Joystick Trouble

Post by Top Gun »

I'm using D1X 1.43mw and a Saitek Cyborg Evo, and I recently noticed a problem when using the joystick. All of the buttons register fine, but when turning/sliding/accelerating using stick functions, the ship's movement is very jerky, sometimes barely moving at all. When I first loaded D1X on this computer, I swear that everything was working fine, so I don't know what happened. Anyone have a solution for this?
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Post by Duper »

Yea, I had that happen on my Cyborg 3D gold. It has to do with the way the prgram reads the axis'. In my case, it was reading the throttle as the twist on the stick.

Merlin finally gave me a pilot profile that had all the Axis fixed. There are 3 different configs depending on how you prefer your stick .. er.. yea. (that didn't sound right)

Shoot me an e-mail or PM and I'll send you that profile set.
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Post by Top Gun »

I can't see how this could really help matters, since the stick does the same thing if I remove the throttle/twist axes from the config, but maybe I'm not thinking the right way.
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Post by Avder »

Duper wrote:Yea, I had that happen on my Cyborg 3D gold. It has to do with the way the prgram reads the axis'. In my case, it was reading the throttle as the twist on the stick.

Merlin finally gave me a pilot profile that had all the Axis fixed. There are 3 different configs depending on how you prefer your stick .. er.. yea. (that didn't sound right)

Shoot me an e-mail or PM and I'll send you that profile set.
What are the profiles, Duper?
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Post by Duper »

D2x Joystick Pilot Configurations:

Table of Contents:
1. Introduction.
2. Player Files.
3. Instructions.
3. Disclaimer.
4. Credits.

Introduction -
Since the release of D2x and the beginnings of the D2x project many Descent fans with current Operating Systems like Windows 2000â?¢ or Windows XPâ?¢ have been upset by the inability to specify the correct axes on their joysticks. Most players used the twist function on their joystick to Either Slide Left and Right, Turn Left and right or Bank Left and Right and were unable to fully enjoy the Descent IIâ?¢ experience once again with their own comfortable controls. Only those with the understanding of HEX Editing were able to patch their .plr files and utilize the proper functions on their favorite controller for their own needs...until now. This .zip file contains four pilot files already pre-configured with the proper axis settings that should answer the needs of most of those who have been having axis problems. The following is a list of information that you must read carefully.
Player Files -
JoyA.plr - This pilot is configured to use the twist or UN Axis for banking L-R.

JoyB.plr - This pilot is configured to use the twist or UN Axis for Turning L-R.

JoyC.plr - This pilot is configured to use the twist or UN Axis for Sliding L-R.

pad.plr - A default 4-axis gamepad pilot for any Descenter who may fly using a Gamepad.

All four player files are set at 640x480 resolution w/ Cockpit Mode at Fullscreen.
All four player files have already had the Auto-Level function disabled.
All four player files have had the sensetivity setting for Joystick/Mouse adjusted to the maximum setting.
Instructions -
To use the these files you must first extract them to your Descent IIâ?¢ directory. Run D2x and select the pilot that has the axis settings that suit the configuration you want to use (Use the above .plr details to choose which pilot to configure). Go to the D2x Options and go to "Controls..." where "Joystick" should be selected indicated by a dot next to it. If it isn't, highlight it using your arrow keys and hit the space bar. Then by going to the "Customize Above" and "Customize Keyboard" sections you can specify your personal settings. As long as the axis settings stay untouched, they should function properly as assigned. If for any reason the axis fields get cleared then re-download or re-extract the .plr file that addresses the axis needs for you into your Descent IIâ?¢ directory.
Disclaimer -
The files contained within this archive are not a garunteed solution to other potential problems involving your joystick and/or controls. We do not claim that these files will absolutely fix the axis problems you may be having. We do however feel that these files will address the majority of the people who have avoided using D2x or used uncomfortable controls due to configuration issues regarding the joystick and/or D2x. These files were tested using the latest releases of D2x (D2x0.2.5 & D2x-cvs-20031107_mingw w/ latest v1.2.6 sdl.dll for sound). No actual editing was done to the game code itself.
Credits -
HEX Editing Axis Configurations - Jeff250 - Player Revisions & Packaging - Tyranny -
D2x Project Website - http://www.icculus.org/d2x/
Here is the readme. Cut and pasting the profile won't work as it's not in text form.

(notice the 2 guys at the bottom in the credits) :mrgreen:
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Post by Top Gun »

Duper, do you think this would work in my case? I already tried limiting the framerate in-game under the D1X options, but that had no effect.
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Post by Avder »

Wait....these are D2X profiles, not d1x.
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Post by Tyranny »

I was waiting for him to post that. Somehow I had a feeling he was confusing the two :P

D1x didn't have such a glaring problem with axis recognition that I was aware of. The D2x issue was addressed more by necessity because I couldn't use my twist to bank in it and I knew of more people having similar issues with D2x.

D1x sets up without a hitch for me. I was going to suggest the possibility that -joypolled hadn't been added to the D1x.ini but if the axes aren't being configured properly that wouldn't have any effect.
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Post by Top Gun »

Hmmm...I don't even see a D1X.ini file. I'm thinking about just completely reinstalling D1 to see if that works; I'll post later with the results.
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Post by Tyranny »

Top Gun wrote:Hmmm...I don't even see a D1X.ini file. I'm thinking about just completely reinstalling D1 to see if that works; I'll post later with the results.
Just use notepad and create one. It should be in your descent directory. If not open notepad and add this stuff...

-pps 6
-maxfps 80
-msgcolorlevel 3
-missiondir driveletter:/whereveryourdescentfolderis/
-cockpit 2
-gl_reticle 1

then save as D1X.INI into your D1 dir. You can take out the -missiondir line if you have all your levels in the main directory. Thats only for if you have them all in a seperate dir. Driveletter should be whatever drive your descent folder is installed on of course ;)
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Post by Top Gun »

Negatory on the config file. I'm going to try a full deletion.
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Post by Duper »

Top, there are several versions of 1.43 out there. Have you tried more than one?

Oh, yea my bad about the confusion. Too much Egg nog. ;)
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Post by Top Gun »

The only one I've ever used is the one available from PD. It's always worked fine for me in the past.
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Post by Duper »

try uninstalling everything. Then reinstalling the drivers only. No profile software etc. Before installing drivers run both the nuke programs and reboot.

the stick should run fine with drivers alone.

This is the EXE I use. "d1x143_oglmw.exe"

Krom and I have the same trouble though. We start the game in windowed mode, and once the game starts. go to Dx options and go to full screen. The screen will go blank. Hit escape twice. and that should get you to the main menu again. the stick works fine then.

EDIT: Here, Check this Thread.

I'll keep looking for the thread where Krom and I figured some of this out.
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