Best Descent 3/D3TL team ever?

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Best Descent 3/D3TL team ever?

Post by Beowulf »

Ok, now that competitive Descent 3 play is gone, let's look back.

Which team that dominated the D3tl was the best ever? There were many.

At their primes:
1. WP
3. D3k
4. ANTs
5. III
6. ROX
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Post by Gooberman »

You should know that such threads just turn into pissing contests where eventually everyone just bitches at you for asking a fucked up question. :P

As far as "best team," Thats really too relative. I can count on my fingers and toes how many times I played d1 and d2 online, so I was still very new to the game physics when FIST dominated.

But I can remember games with fist and just being like, "wow." I've heard alot of great things about ANTS, alot of it from former ANTS players :P, I have nothing to really contradict them though for the same reasons as FIST: I wasn't in a position to be able to tell how good they were.

However the early d3k games with them just dont stand out like the ones with FIST.
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Post by Sirius »

Curiously enough, the only two teams in that list I've even heard of are D3k and ROX...
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Post by Behemoth »

I dont know the stats for FIST as they arent on the d3tl anymore (obviously after 5 years or so) but i heard they only lost one game, which is pretty good.
III's lost 2 so far and won about 158..
Still i would have to know how many FIST won but persoanlly its my favorite since most III guys hate me anyways... :twisted:
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Post by kurupt »

its impossible to ever know who was best. not all of the teams played against each other during their primes.

i was on 3 of the top 6 teams at one point or another though. ;) D3k being the one i call home, even though i quit descent a long time ago.
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Post by Krom »

Irrelevant. :P
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Post by Zero! »

plz SQN has beaten everyone on that list SQN is the best.
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Post by Hattrick »


I'd have to agree with Kurupt, It's not possible to choose a "best" team without them playing each other in their prime.

3 of those teams on that list could be lumped into one anways since many of the members were on all 3 of them.
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Post by kurupt »

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Post by Fusion »

Sirius wrote:Curiously enough, the only two teams in that list I've even heard of are D3k and ROX...
I aggree on that, Sirius. However, I must say that I have heard of III Corps, if we are talking about Icehammer's team.

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Post by Zero! »

i think III was the most dominate cuz of thier pilots, but i think ROX was the best cuz they had the best teamwork ive seen along with the already good pilots they had. i never played against WP so i cant say much bout them.
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Post by kurupt »

III got the shaft there. they may or may not be the most talented team of all time, but they've never had any competition to see if they could be beaten. the best they've played against were inactive D3k players.
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Post by TigerRaptor »

Iâ??ve all ways thought of ROX and ANTs to be one of the more dominate teams in Descent 3.
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Post by Pugwash »

Zero! wrote:i think III was the most dominate cuz of thier pilots....
III have totally dominated but they have had NO competition. The other teams on that list competed during the pinnacle :roll: of the D3 age.
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Post by Darktalyn1 »

Considering I played for 3 of those teams at one time or another you could shave that list in half. 8)

I don't think any team that let me play could have been considered "dominant" :lol:
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Post by Clayman »

Impossible to tell. Why?

1: Given a span of 1998-2005 of playing, some of the teams never had a chance to play against each other in their primes.

2: Too much cross-pollination, particularly among D3k, WP and III.

That said, I still go for III, if for no other reason than the fact that III's worst half dozen players in their prime would beat any of the other team's worst half dozen, IMO. I think the same would apply for III's middle roster.
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Post by Krom »

That's not saying much since III is only 16 members.

D3k's worst half dozen pilots would be hard pressed to beat any halfway decent team, but then again they hardly ever showed up and played, they weren't on the team because of their skills.
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Post by Richard Cranium »

Ok, then.... lets have a double elimination then. It should be held on a LAN and not the Internet so people canâ??t b!tch about lag.

So we need several things:

1. Location
2. Date
3. Sponsors
4. The Teams
5. and someone to organize it.

Any one? Any one? (Bueller)
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Post by Clayman »

That's not saying much since III is only 16 members.
Plus 4 more or so that aren't currently on, but were on previously for a few weeks/months. Narrow it down to 4-5 if you like then, I still think it's pretty accurate.
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Post by Beowulf »

Shoot I wasn't talking stats, it was just an opinion question. Obviously, we could never know, but it's still fun to speculate.
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Post by Jesus Freak »

III has a mix of players from D3K, WP, and a couple strays like myself and Shadowfox ;) From what I remember of ANTS, I was over 60% on them in a Vamped D3 D3TL match when I was on 56k several years ago. In contrast, on 56k now I can't beat Javed(one who I think III would consider a middle roster player). Even with Birdseye on ANTS, we have had very comparable players on our team(I'm thinkin of 1 player in specific from chilan). It's hard to compare III to WP when we have several of their players.

If I were to give my top 6, I'd put III, FIST, WP, D3K, ANTs, and finally ROX. When all of its core players were around, ROX was a decent team. In fact I might say ROX was better than ANTs... but I'm still putting em last :) DISCLAIMER: this is all IMO ;)
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Post by kurupt »

unfortunately for III, you really cant count them. they have never played a team worth anything in an all time sense. besides, 98% of them are from D3k who had alot of guys from WP. essentially that list should be DIIIWPK, FIST, ROX, and Ants in no particular order ;)

I think the best rivalry though easily goes to D3k/ROX. talk about heated. my god.
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Post by Top Wop »

III hoarded all the competition and good players so you cant really call them the best. :roll: On top of that their formation seemed to accelerate the rot of D3TL. Who wants to continually play against and loose against a team that had actively tried to take every last "leet" player under their roof so that they could get an egostroke of perfect stats?
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Post by Jesus Freak »

On the other hand, it was clear that the D3TL was going downhill years before III was founded. I don't think III had anything to do with D3TL losing inactivity. The D3TL was/is going downhill no matter what happens. It's interesting how III was formed, because it's really a very dynamic team, which combines very very very different people from all sorts of teams in D3. I think it probably started with Beo, SF and I starting SYN. Things probably evolved from there, possibly even sooner, and we became introduced with... all the other people on III :) Ultimately, I'd say it was Icehammer's organizational skillz to get such a wide range of people together in 1 team and make it work.

I agree there has not been a lot of competition on D3TL. However, we have had several matches with D3K and ROX in which we proved ourselves as pretty formidable opponents... and this was all before I got cable, which obviously made me a lot better. On the other hand, now some of our previously active members(like Bishop) are in-active for various reasons.

The team I really wish I could warp from time 5 years ago to now is FIST. At the time they were around, I was still a 12 year-old newb with a p2 and a PCI video card and 56k :)
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Post by Top Wop »

You're right.
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Post by kurupt »

the D3TL was long done before III was even a shimmer in icehammer's eye. it started dying when roncli went mia and then when we quit D3, and ROX went on to other things, and RIP boycotted everyone, and bots went inactive, etc etc. the D3TL was pretty much dead when you guys scooped up what was left of the competative community and tried to ressurect it, but by then it was too late.

what you guys should do though is pick up more people, and then draft pug (pick-up-game). what that is, is everyone getting on teamspeak or ventrilo or whatever and picking captains, then drafting a team to play against the other one. after the game is over, redraft and play again. we've kept halo fun by doing exactly that with about 20 people a few times a week. maybe it will work with d3, who knows?
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Post by Birdseye »

*pees on everyone*


when did we lose a game?
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Post by Krom »

You lose by default because you never played noob. :mrgreen:
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