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Post by Neo »

I heard somewhere that the U.S. creates terrorists. Why would they need to do that?
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Post by TheCope »

If you don't have an enemy you start to look at your leaders with a more critical eye.

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Post by Testiculese »

Neo, it's called the Law Enforcement Growth Industry.
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Re: Terrorists

Post by Will Robinson »

Neo wrote:I heard somewhere that the U.S. creates terrorists. Why would they need to do that?
From my Top Ten List:

10) Because someones got to do it.

9) We have to be good at making something and the japanese are already making all the cool stuff!

8.) Because we excel at exploiting slave labor.

7) Sometimes you can't sell a cure if you don't make a disease. (borrowed from a big pharmaceutical company training film)

6) Build it and they will come.

5) Because the constitution requires each state to have 2 senators..we just outsource the rest to the middle east..

4) Someones got to keep those abortion doctors on their toes!

3) Otherwise the Hokey Pokey would be what it's all about.

2) We had to, making movies about russian bad guys is so '80's

1) Affirmative action for Ragheads baby, we don't discriminate!
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Post by DCrazy »

I think you're referring to the School of the Americas.
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Post by roid »

Neo what you read was likely referring to the accidental creation/encouragement of terrorists.

in general it's in reference to past bad foreign policy on the part of USA and other countrys (not like it's changed anyway). that's the simple explaination.

the more complex explanation is getting towards what TheCope and Testiculese are saying. when you start to ponder the fact that both criminals AND law enforcement benefit from crime.
but if you are just getting introduced to this, then it might be a bit too complex. i'll see if i can find some Noam Chomsky for you to read online :)
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Post by Sergeant Thorne »

Will, that's hilarious! :lol:
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Post by woodchip »

A NYPD homicide detective on Fox News this morning has the right idea. Let the rag-o-muffan terrorist know that hence forth all U.S. troops and law enforcement agency's will have their bullets dipped in pigs blood.
(for those of you pondering this, a muslim tainted by the blood of pigs will not be able to go to Allahs reward)
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Post by TheCope »

woodchip wrote:A NYPD homicide detective on Fox News this morning has the right idea. Let the rag-o-muffan terrorist know that hence forth all U.S. troops and law enforcement agency's will have their bullets dipped in pigs blood.
(for those of you pondering this, a muslim tainted by the blood of pigs will not be able to go to Allahs reward)
Wouldn't that kind of be a detriment to showing the world the West is an elevated, peaceful society wanting nothing more than harmony?

What you describe seems full of revenge and hate.
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Post by woodchip »

TheCope wrote:
woodchip wrote:A NYPD homicide detective on Fox News this morning has the right idea. Let the rag-o-muffan terrorist know that hence forth all U.S. troops and law enforcement agency's will have their bullets dipped in pigs blood.
(for those of you pondering this, a muslim tainted by the blood of pigs will not be able to go to Allahs reward)
Wouldn't that kind of be a detriment to showing the world the West is an elevated, peaceful society wanting nothing more than harmony?

What you describe seems full of revenge and hate.
Yes it is, which is why I like it.
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Post by Will Robinson »

It also could actually be a deterent and the fact that it could have any effect on them shows just how removed they are from reality.
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Post by roid »

A NYPD homicide detective on Fox News this morning has the right idea. Let the rag-o-muffan terrorist know that hence forth all U.S. troops and law enforcement agency's will have their bullets dipped in pigs blood.
(for those of you pondering this, a muslim tainted by the blood of pigs will not be able to go to Allahs reward)
i guess it's kinda like slitting your throat and ★■◆●ing you in the ass.
i can see how some woudl be bothered by this.

either way it's got nothing to do with this thread woodchip. wouldn't you agree?
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Post by woodchip »

roid wrote:
i guess it's kinda like slitting your throat and ****ing you in the ***.
i can see how some woudl be bothered by this.

either way it's got nothing to do with this thread woodchip. wouldn't you agree?
Indirectly I am showing how attitudes or lack there-in create terrorist. In the case of the Islamnakazi's, trying to be p.c. will not stop more terrorist from being created. The old school russians would find out who the terrorist were and then kill their families. Doesn't take long for the problem to be cured.
Neo's question is incoherent based on his second statement. No country creates terrorists, small groups of people with a frustrated ideology that can't grow legs at the ballot box create terrorists.
Terrorism only succeeds when a group of people give in to it as Klinton did with Somalia.
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Post by roid »

roid wrote:in general it's in reference to past bad foreign policy on the part of USA and other countrys (not like it's changed anyway). that's the simple explaination.
woodchip wrote:Indirectly I am showing how attitudes or lack there-in create terrorist.
since Policy is the direct political-consequence of Attitude.
we seem to be agreeing that this has been an issue of foreign policy.
In the case of the Islamnakazi's, trying to be p.c. will not stop more terrorist from being created
BS! attitude / foreign policy has an effect, diplomacy works, properly orchestrated PR campaigns work. you don't have a clue how similar we all are as humans.
crazy muslims react just how crazy christians do.
eg: the ameri-christian-trailerpark war crys will strengthen if it's drummed into them that their enemy whipe their asses on the bible - you'd get more people signing up for the US army. we're all just as stupid as eachother on this rock.
it's still just religious furvor, regardless of it's cultural flavourings (mmm texan-pork-rind).

muslims have an ACTIVE PR campaign running right under your nose to help protect themselves from YOU and your vicious friends, you probabaly havn't even thought about it.
it works to an extent, unfortunately you have the aljezera of america - FOX MURDOCK NEWS and it's like drumming up the hate - working actively against the muslim PR campaign.
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Post by Neo »

woodchip wrote:A NYPD homicide detective on Fox News this morning has the right idea. Let the rag-o-muffan terrorist know that hence forth all U.S. troops and law enforcement agency's will have their bullets dipped in pigs blood.
(for those of you pondering this, a muslim tainted by the blood of pigs will not be able to go to Allahs reward)
Don't go to the dark side. =P

I never made a second statement. I only asked a simple question. How is that incoherent? =P
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