Able Danger

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Able Danger

Post by woodchip »

Well I'm surprised no one has yet posted about this, especially after all the discussion we had on the 9/11 commission and where to place the blame for 9/11. For those of you conspiracy theorists who desperately want to believe 9/11 was a failure of the Bush administration, it is looking like you had better remove the tin foil.
Able Danger was a special ops group doing data mining that found out about two of the three terrorist cells operating in the U.S. The same cells that commandeered the planes that flew into the WTC. The information was known a full year before 9/11 (and yes herr Klinton was in charge at that time) but due to the "Wall" established by Jamie Garelik, the spec.ops. info was not allowed to be passed along to the FBI. The caveat being these soon to be plane hijackers were in our country on legal VISA's.
All well and good (and sad) but here's where, as Alice once said, it gets curiouser and curiouser.
Seems this Able Danger group passed what they knew to the chief of staff of the 9/11 commission.
And then? Nothing. So why wasn't this info brought up by the 9/11 commission during the hearings? Commissioner's are saying they never received it. So the question's are...are the commissioners just saying this? If the commission staff did not pass this info on...why not? And why was Jamie Garelik (creator of the wall)made a commissioner when the purpose of the commission was to find out the reasons for 9/11? Could it be to prevent her from testifying? And there is even some speculation on what Sandy Berger took from the National Archives...papers relating to Able Danger perhaps?

So I ask you, should we now form a commission to investigate the commission? If we do, lets have it headed up by real investigators and not a bunch of politicians who are looking to cover their backsides.
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Post by Tricord »

It is too late anyway. Any inconsistency revealed afterwards is another sign of bad coordination and cockups.

Much like the fuss around the shooting of an innocent civillian in the London Underground. Information is unclear, stories are revised multiple times, documents leak that prove wrong what was believed to be established, etc etc...

What a mess..
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Will Robinson
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Post by Will Robinson »

What is really sad is at one point one of the Able Danger group was told that because of the bad press the Clinton administration took from using Special Forces personel at Waco they were not going to use the information Able Danger gathered because, even though the info was totally in the public domain, not the result of spying or wire taps etc., that the administration couldn't risk the possible political fallout of appearing to be using the military to spy on civilians....

Freakin' cowardly a$$holes!!
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Post by SilverFJ »

So I ask you, should we now form a commission to investigate the commission? If we do, lets have it headed up by real investigators and not a bunch of politicians who are looking to cover their backsides.
The we'll need a comission to supervise the comission that supervises the commission that supervises the commission that supervises the commission that supervises the commission that supervises the commission that supervises the commission that supervises the commission that supervises the commission that supervises the commission that supervises the commission that supervises the commission that supervises the commission that supervises the commission that supervises the commission that supervises the commission that.....
Flabby Chick
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Post by Flabby Chick »

Could you make your mind up how you spell commmmissssion
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