A brave politician in Iraq

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A brave politician in Iraq

Post by Will Robinson »

Perhaps above and beyond the bravery that was running in the heart and soul of those who built this country is the bravery of Iraqi politician Iyad Jamal Al-Din.
Here is what apears to be a collage of interviews with him on Lebonese TV discussing his views of Iraq future and what needs to be done.
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Post by woodchip »

You'll notice Will, that the major news organ don't air this sort of news. Just as a number of newspaper editors had to write to AP and ask why AP's reporters are only reporting on car bombings and not how thousands of schools have opened. The Iraqi's are brave and will triumph in the end...despite the lefts desire for them to fail.

Oh and perhaps a indication of what life in Iraq can be:

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Post by Vander »

"The Iraqi's are brave and will triumph in the end...despite the lefts desire for them to fail."

Word! I know I don't want to see Iraqi's succeed in anything!

Christ, what color is the sky in your world, Woody?
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Post by Birdseye »

"The Iraqi's are brave and will triumph in the end...despite the lefts desire for them to fail. "

You continue to be totally deluded, thanks for reminding me of your disturbed mental state
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Post by Ferno »

"The Iraqi's are brave and will triumph in the end...despite the lefts desire for them to fail."

You're insane. I don't know how anyone tolerates your extremist views.
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Post by woodchip »

So tell me kiddies, of the major news outlets...how many stories do you hear of all that is good in Iraq?
Or are they just about all about bombings and a on going body count of american troops? Would anyone here argue that Cindy Sheehan is a media driven event? Whens the last time the democratic leadership tried to give a positive face to our war on terror? Do any of you with a liberal mindset ever wonder how much encouragement the Iraqi terrorist have gotten by Kennedy's quagmire utterances? How many of our troops have died because Zarqauwi thinks if he kills a few more of them we will cut and run?
When I say "liberal" my barbs are not intended for the likes of you guys that post here so don't take it personal. I'm after the running dogs of the liberal party.
Think the newsies aren't biased? CNN just did a piece on the Cindy Sheehan counter demonstrators and went into detail on how and who was backing them. CNN said the counter demonstrators were not spontaneous. Yet no mention of how Move On Dot Org was backing Sheehan along with various other anti-war organisations.

So Vander, Bird and Ferno...want to bury your heads in the sand and burble how it's all Bush's fault...be my guest. Want to join Jane Fonda's come back tour...by all means do so. Just don't throw words like "deluded" with no substantive retort into my reply.
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Post by Top Wop »

I loved your response Woodchip. You were right on. :)
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Post by Gooberman »

So tell me kiddies, of the major news outlets...how many stories do you hear of all that is good in Iraq?
1. It is a war zone :P

2. I rarely hear any 'good news' about my home city on the local radio. And if there is any, it comes on after the murders and car accidents.

Your criticisms are valid/true, but they show more of consistency then bias. And I have heard CNN previously mention Moore and Moveon.org with reguards to Cindy.
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Post by Mobius »

Good news ISN'T news. Good Gracious: EVERYONE KNOWS THAT!

Good news doesn't sell newspapers.
Good news doesn't get good ratings.
Good news isn't interesting.
Good news isn't exciting.
Good news doesn't trigger an emotional response, which is what news associations need, to keep selling you their crap.
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Post by Bold Deceiver »

Mobius wrote:Good news ISN'T news. Good Gracious: EVERYONE KNOWS THAT!

Good news doesn't sell newspapers.
Good news doesn't get good ratings.
Good news isn't interesting.
Good news isn't exciting.
Good news doesn't trigger an emotional response, which is what news associations need, to keep selling you their crap.
God help me, I think I agree with Mobius.

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Post by Ferno »

yea.. sure thing there, mr. crazy man woody.
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Post by TechPro »

The "Good" news may not be very profitable for the media... but at least it's GOOD.

IMO, I wish the media would use an equal amount of Good News with the Bad News (both from the same area of the world). People in general may be idiots, but most people are smart enough to know when there isn't much Good News... or not much Bad News... based on the content.

Sure would spare the small communities from suffering the "Slow News Days"... :roll:
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Post by dissent »

The problem isn't just that only bad news sells, it is that bad news is easy to sell. Good news can be very salable, but it takes a lot more effort to write it up. Bad news can tend to just cater to the lower common denominator, and we know what that means ....
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