Diablo 3 to be MMO? Erm...

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Mr. Perfect
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Diablo 3 to be MMO? Erm...

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Acording to what's essentilly a rumor in a news blurb at bit-tech, Diablo 3 may end up being MMO. Considering the succes of the whole WoW thing, it sounds completly plausible.

Personaly, I would simply never buy D#3 if it was MMO. A vast majority of the time I spent in D#1 and D#2 where in single player, trying out a dozen diffrent characters. The time I spent in MP was with a small party of players forging through the endless hordes or creatures. Smacktards and noobs where kicked from the game in short order, and everyone pretty much stuck together and fought as a team. That's what the franchise is for me. I simply couldn't Pay $50 + $9 a month if Diablo turned into a giant PvP between heaven and hell factions, complete with morons and jackasses.

I remeber a ways back when someone here mentioned the possibility of a MMO D#3 when WoW came out, and just about everyone baulked at the idea. What say you now that you've been around WoW?
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

If Diablo 3 is a MMO, they've lost my money. I played Diablo 1/2 single mostly and only played multi with friends from Kali.
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Post by Hattrick »

I agree.
Diablo 3 shouldnt be a MMO.
Ive enjoyed 1&2 for what they were.If i wanted to play WoW, I'd have bought it.
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Post by Beowulf »

One successful MMO per company :P

D3 should stay Diablo, not WoW with demons and angels.
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Post by Sirius »

Well, I only recently bought Diablo 2. Awesome game for a variety of reasons.

One of them is the fact that you can play offline without (much) diminishing the experience.

Ergo, if Diablo 3 is MMO, I won't touch it with a barge pole, even if it is non-subscription as Guild Wars was.

That just isn't the point of the game. It's pure hack-and-slash in your own time type stuff. An MMO system, unless regulated carefully, would take away all the monsters there were to kill.
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Post by Pun »

It'd be bad business sense for Blizzard to make Di3 an MMO. They'd be simultaneously diluting the WoW fan base and alienating an entire group of gamers.
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Post by Jeff250 »

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Post by Gammaray »

Well spoken, all of you ;) I don't do MMO's for different reasons. #1 being cheated by paying all that money and have the game cancelled after about a year.

The Diablo franchise might have a huge fanbase, but I agree with pun, it'd kill WoW at the same time. Even worse, clash 2 types of gamers together and be disastrous for BOTH games.
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Post by Phoenix Red »

The thing with Diablo is all the guys that used to make it quit and made their own company with a game that is pretty much the new and improved Diablo.

So I don't think the next one will be at all what you'd expect.
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Post by Money! »

I gotta say Diablo MMO would probably kill it. People are real loyal to how it is played now. I got REAL REAL deep into it (i.e. worked on an account for 2 years and got enough items to probably sell on ebay for $200) and quit and gave away my stuff to my friends. I know the extent people get into that game (i.e. paying 1000s of dollars for good items) and how rooted they are into how that game is played now. I knew alot of the serious players out there, and handling a MMO would change the whole aspect of it. Blizzard has kinda been putting Diablo2 on the back burner, but they need to realize how popular it is and factor that in to the new one. I'd say major changes could uproot the whole fanbase. They need to be careful. Take it from me, the MMO would not be a good idea.
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Post by Pun »

Phoenix Red wrote:The thing with Diablo is all the guys that used to make it quit and made their own company with a game that is pretty much the new and improved Diablo.

So I don't think the next one will be at all what you'd expect.
Whoa. That game looks amazing. Is there a release date on that puppy?
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Post by Iceman »

Heck yeah it looks good. Screenies are here : http://www.hellgatelondon.com/downloads ... creenshots

Oh yeah ... I'll be playing a video game and myself at the same time :D http://www.hellgatelondon.com/concept-i ... rt_017.jpg
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