Need help with a Java script question.

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Need help with a Java script question.

Post by TigerRaptor »

I've decided to take a Java Script course online, and for while I've had no trouble learning the codes and answering the question. But I don't seem to understand the answer to this question. Maybe I'm over analyzing it to much. Please help me out.

As written in the book.

What does the following script do?

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Post by DCrazy »

Is that all the code that's provided?

If so, it will be a lot easier if you look at the code formatted sanely:

Code: Select all

if(Day == "Friday")
  if(Day == "Monday")
    document.write("Another Manic Monday!");
    document.write("Good morning");
You need to understand if statements.

// the code inside this block is executed
// if expression evaluates to true.
// the code inside this block is executed
// if expression evaluates to false.

So that code snippet works as follows.

Is the variable Day equivalent to the string expression "Friday"?
- If so, then call the write method on the document object with the argument "T.G.I.F."
- If not, then do the following:
-- Is the variable Day equivalent to the string expression "Monday"?
--- If so, then call the write method on the document object with the argument "Another Manic Monday!"
--- If not, then call the write method on the document object with the argument "Good morning"
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Post by fliptw »

can javascript access the header request for a page?
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Post by Instig8 »

throws exception cause 'Day' is not defined.
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Post by TigerRaptor »

Sorry for the late reply. But this backwards JavaScript bull★■◆● is drives me up the wall sometimes. All right I think I understand how this works now. Iâ??m going to say the answer is number 1 only because the others donâ??t seem to add up with what youâ??re saying. Thanks for the help.
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