- New: Wall type "Transparent" creating impenetrable, colored, transparent walls.
- Fixed: Missing reticle, flag and orb displays in letterbox view.
D2X-XL Update Notification Thread
Moderators: Grendel, Aus-RED-5
D2X-W32 1.3.64
D2X-W32 1.3.64
D2X-W32 1.3.65
D2X-W32 1.3.65
- New: Wall transparency can be changed in the D2X options menu
- Fixed: Cockpit mode will now be preserved across menu calls and screen resolution changes.
- Fixed: Cockpit window position and size for resolutions > 640x480.
- New: Improved menu structure: New menus "Gameplay options" and "Render options", moved options from D2X options and Toggles to Config, Gameplay options and Render options.
D2X-W32 1.3.66 - 1.3.67
D2X-W32 1.3.66 - 1.3.67
- Fixed: Mouse/Joy sensitivity always set to lowest value when leaving the controls config menu.
- Fixed: Objects behind cloaked walls not rendered when "render entire mine" option enabled.
- Improved: Bitmap reticle (the original one) scaled according to screen res.
- New: Joystick and mouse sensitivity can be adjusted separately now.
D2X-W32 1.3.68
D2X-W32 1.3.68
- Fixed: Config menu not working properly (couldn't 'customize above' or 'customize keyboard')
- Fixed: Mouse not working after calling the controls config menu.
- Fixed: Movement direction after teleporting.
D2X-W32 1.3.69
D2X-W32 1.3.69
- Fixed: Some cockput and status bar view elements not rendered at the proper screen locations in resolutions > 640x480.
D2X-W32 1.3.70
D2X-W32 1.3.70
- Fixed: Program crash when "Render Entire Mine" is enabled.
- Improved: Energy display in cockpit mode.
D2X-W32 1.3.71
D2X-W32 1.3.71
- Fixed: Bug in tracker code that could lead to other programs' (e.g. TeamSpeak or mIRC) inet connections being terminated.
D2X-W32 1.3.72
D2X-W32 1.3.72
- Fixed: Bug in tracker code that could lead to bandwidth saturation on network connections, disconnecting other applications (e.g. TeamSpeak or mIRC).
- Improved: Joystick sensitivity will now create an attenuation curve always reaching the max. possible value.
D2X-W32 1.3.73
D2X-W32 1.3.73
- Improved: Movie playback on older gfx hardware. If movies are played in slo-mo, set "-movie_quality 0" in d2x.ini or uncheck "High Movie Quality" in the render options menu.
D2X-W32 1.3.74
D2X-W32 1.3.74
- Fixed: Render depth with "Render Entire Mine" was very low, leading to most of the level not being displayed (this was due to some experimental code being left in the program).
- New: "Colorize Transparent Walls" switch to turn off colorization of transparent walls if desired (find it in the render options menu).
- Fixed: Several game variables (mouse sensitivity among others) weren't saved when leaving the game.
D2X-W32 1.3.75
D2X-W32 1.3.75
- New: Added option "linear joystick sensitivity scaling" to controls config menu. If enabled, the old-style joystick sensitivity scaling will be enabled at the cost of not reaching full turn speed at lower sensitivity settings.
- Improved: Ship movement will not be stopped after teleportation any more, but the ship will continue in the new direction at the speed it had when entering the source teleporter.
D2X-W32 1.3.76
D2X-W32 1.3.76
- Fixed: New non-linear joystick sensitivity scaling was framerate dependant and could lead to extreme sensitivity.
- Fixed: Rounding error when sampling joy axes movement could lead to values too small in the program, which in turn made the aforementioned behaviour worse.
D2X-W32 1.3.77
D2X-W32 1.3.77
- Improved: Frame rate when "Render Entire Mine" is enabled. Some objects behind cloaked walls might still be invisible at certain view angles, but if that happens, it will be much less apparent and annoying than disappearing mine walls.
D2X-W32 1.3.78
D2X-W32 1.3.78
- New: 100% transparent cloaked/colored walls will not be rendered (they will still be impenetrable).
D2X-W32 1.3.79
D2X-W32 1.3.79
- Fixed: 100% transparent walls still got rendered.
- New: Max. # of objects raised to 3500.
D2X-W32 1.4.0
D2X-W32 1.4.0: Hyperspeed Tunnels
- New: Support for D3-like hyperspeed tunnels. Adjust the speed boost in the gameplay options menu. See my level Glass House for a construction example.
- Fixed: Rounding error leading to ship slowly drifting/rotating if left w/o thrust.
D2X-W32 1.4.1 - 1.4.2
D2X-W32 1.4.1 - 1.4.2
- Fixed: Crash when loading older save games.
- Fixed: Objects not moving properly.
- New: Toggle "Drop All Missiles" in the gameplay options menu. If checked, D2X-W32 will not only drop 10 missiles of each kind max., but all an exploding player ship had actually loaded.
- New: Toggle "Always Respawn Powerups". If checked, used up missiles will not disappear from the game in single player or coop, but respawn somewhere in the level.
- New: Segment types "speed boost" and "blocked" to aid in construction of speed boost and impassable, no-spawn areas.
- Cameras and monitors.
D2X-W32 1.4.3 - 1.4.4
D2X-W32 1.4.3 - 1.4.4
- Improved: Camera performance.
- New: Camera output speed and format settings in render options menu.
D2X-W32 1.4.5 - 1.4.6: TGA image support
D2X-W32 1.4.5 - 1.4.6: TGA image support
- Changed: Max. speed boost area speed doubled, in-game default speed boost modifier set to 50%.
- New: Support for pog files containing TGA images.
D2X-W32 1.4.7 - 1.4.8
D2X-W32 1.4.7 - 1.4.8
- Fixed: Save game bug leading to game states not being properly restored (i.e. Thief spawned 10 Extra Lives when killed).
- New: Fusion damage adjustable from 100% to 400%.
- Fixed: Error message in automap in levels with more than 900 segments.
- Changed: Automap cannot be opened in speed boost areas any more.
- Fixed: Ship stopping periodically in speed boost areas when flying close to a wall.
- Fixed: Ship stopping due to weapon blast radius in speed boost areas.
- New: Repair centers are marked by green lines in the automap.
D2X-W32 1.4.9
D2X-W32 1.4.9
- Improved: You can now maneuver in speed boost areas.
- Fixed: Could hang at speed boost area walls if adjacent segment had type "blocked", or current segment had type "speed boost" and adjacent segment had another type.
- Improved: D2X-W32 specific, multiplayer relevant game options will be disabled in multiplayer games if the game host doesn't use D2X-W32.
D2X-W32 1.4.10
D2X-W32 1.4.10
- New: Segment type "No Damage". Ships in such segments cannot fire weapons or drop mines, nor can they be damaged.
D2X-W32 1.4.11
D2X-W32 1.4.11
- Fixed: Ship doesn't stop moving after releasing thrust control keyboard keys, but slowly slides on.
D2X-W32 1.4.12
D2X-W32 1.4.12
- Fixed: Ship could go half-way through walls.
D2X-W32 1.4.13
D2X-W32 1.4.13
- Improved: Frame rate with "render entire mine" enabled. No or minimal frame rate hit should be noticeable now with this option enabled.
D2X-W32 1.4.14
D2X-W32 1.4.14
- New: Shots and missiles can now traverse blocked segments.
- New: Toggle "Draw HUD" will disable drawing the HUD in full screen mode when unchecked (for nicer screen shots).
D2X-W32 1.4.15
D2X-W32 1.4.15
- Fixed: Bogus client view in multiplayer games.
- Fixed: Game hanging when adding trackers via d2x.ini.
- Fixed: Clients didn't find the last tracker in tracker lists from d2x.ini.
- Fixed: Tracker ports weren't read properly from tracker lists in d2x.ini.
D2X-W32 1.4.16
D2X-W32 1.4.16
- Fixed: Reticle visible during and after player death animation.
D2X-W32 1.4.17
D2X-W32 1.4.17
- Fixed: Boss robots sometimes stopping to act properly.
- Fixed: Robots too dark after loading a save game.
D2X-W32 1.4.18
D2X-W32 1.4.18
- New: Lightmap controlled light rendering. This is still experimental. Lightmaps are computed on the fly when loading a level (actually they're computed on the crawl currently.
). Lightmaps are not available in multiplayer for the time being.
- Improved: Auto-Download connectivity problem tolerance.
D2X-W32 1.4.19
D2X-W32 1.4.19
- Fixed: Object blobs in automap were painted jaggy and distorted.
D2X-W32 1.4.20
D2X-W32 1.4.20
- Fixed: Levels too dark with lightmapping enabled (I have found some levels that are still considerably darker than w/o lightmapping).
- Fixed: Lightmapping dysfunctional when switching screen res or toggling fullscreen in-game.
D2X-W32 1.4.21
D2X-W32 1.4.21
- Fixed: Lightmapping didn't work anymore.
D2X-W32 1.4.22
D2X-W32 1.4.22
- Fixed: D1 iris door was not properly converted.
- Improved: Lightmap range will take base face size into account.
D2X-W32 1.4.23
D2X-W32 1.4.23
- Fixed: Dynamic lighting not working with lightmaps (i.e. blasting or turning off lights did not darken their vicinity).
- Improved: Lightmap range calculation. Levels still too bright with lightmaps though.
D2X-W32 1.4.25
D2X-W32 1.4.25
- Changed: Lightmap range.
- Fixed: Slight bug in lightmap range calculation.
- Fixed: Some yellow light texture casting red light with lightmapping enabled.
D2X-W32 1.4.26
D2X-W32 1.4.26
- Fixed: Cockpit and status bar HUDs in 320x200.
- Fixed: Credits screen.
- Fixed: Show HUD toggle gone awol.
D2X-W32 1.4.27
D2X-W32 1.4.27
- TGA texture alpha channel support.
- Changed: Movie quality now defaults to low at program start to avoid having the intro movie played at high movie quality on machines that cannot handle that.
D2X-W32 1.4.28
D2X-W32 1.4.28
- Fixed: Black outlines around non-transparent areas of see-through textures (e.g. force fields or energy sparks).
- Fixed: Partially missing frame around menus.
- New: Lightmap range slider in render options menu.