I am using Gnome, and I think I know jack about Linux.
I tried to install SDL_mixer using the rpm too, and there never appeared a libSDL_mixer.a in /usr/lib.
Something doesn't seem to work here.
Installing something on Linux is such a PITA. I just wanted to get a GUI debugger frontend (DDD), and it says \"oh you need this package, and to run it, you need that package, which will in turn require the other package\".
If at all, I had to install one additional software to make something run on MS Windows, and usually everything comes packed together. Unless it is some Linux software someone has ported to Windows, that is. Heh.
Not that I would want to rant about Linux (again), but I still have neither a working KDevelop nor a GUI debugger frontend, after trying to get this to install for hours. On Windows, the time such a thing would take would have to be measured in minutes, leaving me enough time for the real thing: Getting into the software.