Timeout.... I think.

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Timeout.... I think.

Post by Bet51987 »

Sometimes when I choose \"Launch\" in the D3 tracker to enter a game, all I get is a white screen that says \"done\" at the bottom. It only happens on one server. Is there a fix that I need to install?

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Post by Do_Checkor »

Good Morning Bettina :)

on WHAT server? what mod? what mission? the white error on a homepage?? does this happen by launching out of vortex too? questions over questions :)

First thing I'd say is: delete and re-download the mission - this may already solve it...

Good luck!
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Post by Bet51987 »

Do_Checkor wrote:Good Morning Bettina :)

on WHAT server? what mod? what mission? the white error on a homepage?? does this happen by launching out of vortex too? questions over questions :)

First thing I'd say is: delete and re-download the mission - this may already solve it...

Good luck!

I don't remember the server name, but it will happen again soon and I'll get the info your requesting. It goes bad one day but not the next...

Ill get the info...

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Post by Bet51987 »

Ok, it happened again. When I click on LAUNCH, all I get is a white screen with \"done\" at the bottom.

Funny thing, its only the following servers. All ANARCHY levels.

DIII-Server #1 Skybox
DIII-Server #2 Subway Dancer
DIII-Server #3 Public Fear

When I tried about twenty time on #1, it finally showed text with player names. The other two are still just white.

Bettina :)
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Post by Grendel »

Bet51987 wrote:Ok, it happened again. When I click on LAUNCH, all I get is a white screen with "done" at the bottom.
What app is it that sports the "Launch" button ? You using http://d3.descent.cx/tracker.d3 ? W/ IE or Firefox ?

Most likely the reason is that the DIII servers don't answer immediately to requests since they are in europe. Looks like their route drops UDP packets quite often since I can't get responses from them in kquery on a regular basis. So yes, most likely it's a timeout.
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Post by Bet51987 »


I use IE6 and yes I use the LAUNCH in http://d3.descent.cx/tracker.d3. Once I select it, a screen comes up allowing me to select .EXE.... and it starts my game.

But, the screen stays white.

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Post by Do_Checkor »

for now:

I'd recommend you to use a REAL Webbrowser like Firefox http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/ or Opera http://www.opera.com ! :-)

But why you only get that problem with the DIII Servers - I don't get it ATM...
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Post by Kilarin »

I was paranoid about letting the web launch an application. I had to keep checking it each time to confirm that the batch job was the same, except for the link. yeah, I'm very paranoid about computer security. :)


I wrote my own launcher using a Notetab clip. Notetab is a FANTASTIC text editor that has a very powerful scripting language. Clips are what we call the little programs you can write in that scripting language. My Notetab editor is almost ALWAYS open, I use it for everything. So now when I want to start a descent game, I just browse over to http://d3.descent.cx/tracker.d3, copy the ip address I'm interested in, then double click the notetab click and Notetab launches descent with that ip address in the parameters.

The clip is a simple one liner:

Code: Select all

^!Dos \"C:\\Program Files\\Descent3\\MAIN.EXE\" -launched -pilot Kilarin -setdir \"C:\\Program Files\\Descent3\" -directip ^$GetClipboard$ -nointro -nooutragelogo
(obviously, Notetab replaces ^$GetClipboard$ with the contents of the clipboard, which is the ip address you just copied from the web page)

If you don't want to use Notetab, you can, of course, just let the launcher write the batch file for you and run that. Or you could do the exact same thing with notepad, its just a few more clicks. Just create a batchfile somewhere easily accessable (your desktop for instance) The batchfile should have one line:

\"C:\\Program Files\\Descent3\\MAIN.EXE\" -launched -pilot YOURPILOTNAME -setdir \"C:\\Program Files\\Descent3\" -directip IPADDRESSHERE -nointro -nooutragelogo

When you want to launch, EDIT that batch file, copy the ip address from the web page, paste it into the batch file where the IPADDRESSHERE is, then save and run.

The Notetab clip is easier, and Notetab light is a FREE download. So, If anyone wants to set up Notetab to do this for them, I'd be MORE than happy to help them get it working. Always happy to win a convert for my favorite text editor! :)
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Post by Sllik »

Sorry. I'm a vi/vim/gvim junkie myself. =)
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