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The Monkey Wrench Gang

Post by bash »

Corporate representatives recently briefed top officials of both political parties as a courtesy. A spokesman for Terry McAuliffe, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said, "These fellows came to him under the guise of nonpartisanship in the same way that wolves sometimes don sheep's clothing."
This is from a story in the Washington Post (a slightly left-of-center newspaper) on the rise of programs within American businesses to assist their employees in registering to vote. It's subtle but present between the lines that the Democrats don't like this practice of facilitating voter participation of working Americans. Why would the Democrats be threatened by more working people voting? The paranoia is that corporations will *tell* their employees how to vote but that logic breaks down when you recall that voting is anonymous and confidential.

It appears the Dems would prefer only the unemployed, the members of ivory tower academia and the disenfranchised show up to vote in November. The more of those, the better their chances of winning back the White House. It just goes to show once again, imo, that any bad news for America is welcomed as good news by the Democratic Party. Meanwhile its *champion of the working man* is skiing at a pampered resort and relaxing in one of his $5 million homes. :| ... Mar20.html
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Post by fliptw »

registration required.

bad bash.
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Post by bash »

So register, it's free and worth the price. :D
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