First, i am not new here but i've forgotten the previous login.
In D2 L16 i cannot found the yellow key and Guido (Callsign of my Guidebot) also says \"Cannot reach yellow key\". Is this a bug in the Level or i am too stupid? Guido also can't find any bot, powerup, hostage or any other thing. So i think, i was flown in any tunnel, killed any bot and rescued eny hostage in the open and blue-key-locked area. Now i'm flying and flying and cant see anything.
Post your login problem in Forum Feedback or PM a moderator.
Also, the main question goes to Single Player forum. As I've only played D2 through that far twice ...YEARS ago, I don't recall how to resolve that problem. :\\
1000s and 1000s of players have found the yellow key in that level, so it's not a bug in the level. I leave further conclusions to you.
Try the Descendarium for help - it's the place to get walk throughs and hints how to solve every puzzle and access every goodies in every Descent version's main campaign, and in some other missions, too.
Diedel wrote:Try the Descendarium for help - it's the place to get walk throughs and hints how to solve every puzzle and access every goodies in every Descent version's main campaign, and in some other missions, too.
True x2
The only reason Guido "can't find Yellow Key" is because he cannot get to the Yellow Key... usually because of things like locked doors, forcefields blocking the path, blah blah... and in some cases he literally doesn't have the info.
In this case it's because the path is blocked, making it inaccessable. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to clear the path... which you happen to now know. Exploring will get you there. That particular level had me retracing my steps repeatedly before I made it through the first time.
My question means: Can this be a bug of D2X-XL? Sample: My Ship is staying in front of a Shield Powerup. I tell Guido to find next Shield Powerup. He is flying away for a while, then come back and says \"Cant reach ...\"
Same procedure as Yellow Key, Energy Center and so on.
If one of these things is hidden by a locked door or force field, i say ok, i understand. But, when ALL of such things are unreachable by Guido, i think there can be a software problem.
It isn't a bug in D2X-XL. Same thing happened in the original version. (Edit: Well, I can't speak for the other incidents, just the yellow key one.)
What's giving the guidebot grief happens to be forcefields he thinks are impassible. He's wrong, of course - there is a surprisingly easy way to do so - but he doesn't know that.
Look around. If you still can't find it, check out the Descendarium, as I'm virtually certain Moon will cover that.
if you think there is a bug in D2X-XL, or if you need help with it, why don't you post a bug ticket or support request on instead of complaining somewhere in a forum where I may happen to read it or not?
I will usually only handle such requests if they are made via, because everything else just is too much work for me.
Here is a real bug in D2XXL: When the SHIFT-F4 guidebot menu is open, the last Item is \"suppress messages\". When the cursor hovers over this item, the text changes to \"?R Q R Q Q ?\"
(This is a separate bug report, not the entire thread theme)
I just happened to stop by today and saw your question about D2 Level 16. I used to frequent the Descent bulletin boards 10 years ago, helping others with their single-player problems. Coincidentally, I have my old Windows 95 PC right next to my XP machine and I'm running through D2 level 16 now. I just got the yellow key before I stopped.
I can tell you that it's well-hidden in a dark, well-guarded area behind a forcefield. In fact, the whole level is dark. Avenger and I used to call it the \"Level of Darkness\".
One hint, enter the blue door from the main room (the room you enter when leaving the start area). Go down a blue/white spiral tunnel and you'll be well on your way to the key. It's there, WAY back there.
Chris you are so modest, in the day there weren't many people that new more about single player mode than you! Moon was another wonderful resource But he wasn't the CajonAce!
I've been shot in the butt by a lot of co-op players, MD. But I've had a lot of fun playing co-op. Was in a co-op tournament with a fellow Descent Ranger \"Razor\". Razor was an excellent pilot, and quite cood at co-op. I knew to stay out of his way when he was fighting. On level 7 we split up. He went off to kill robots and gain points, I set off for the shortcut to the red key so I could clear the reactor room for him. We'd practiced the level many times. He'd always arrive just after I cleared the reactor room.
I'd just reached the red door and cleared the sidearm out of the room when Razor went flying by into the reactor room. I typed \"WAIT! I haven't cleared that room yet!\" But it was too late. There was so much shooting going on in there that I dared not enter. One death in a co-op tournament means you probably won't win. After a minute or so, Razor popped out of the door still in one piece. All bots were dead, and we went on to level 8 and a tournament win.
KoolBear wrote:Moon! Wonderful to see you ol'man. How has life been treating you?
Nice of you to ask! But let me put it this way: RL has a strange habit of never turning out exactly the way you expected it (not that this is news to any of you).
I'm not sure if you're addressing me concerning those screenshots cause I mostly have map screenshots and even though the new D2X-XL textured maps look impressive I just might stick with my old ones. At least as long as I come up with my final layout which has been rescheduled "when it's done". Who knows what Diedel's come up with till then...
BTW, how come my subject "FYI: new D2 Maximum demos online" shows up in the edit window (without the link of course) but not above my reply? Another setting that got lost on the board like signatures?