I hate spiders... I always had a problem with them. But it got multiplied 100 fold when I was a freshman in high school. I used to be that kid that would always eat candy and stuff... well my friends knew this... They crammed 2 wolf spiders in an altiods mint box and then offered me one of those delicious mints.... I took the box... opened it... and screamed like a girl as they scurried out onto my hands and started climbing my arm. I continued screaming like a girl as I ran down the freshman hallway... through the main forier... then out the front door. I hate spiders.
Warlock wrote:
Only spider i hate is the damn black widdow all because i got bit by one :\\
You'd best fear the Brown Recluse more.
Agreed. Brown recluse venom is necrotic. Black widow will just hurt for a little bit. About 12 years ago, my mother was bit by a brown recluse on her right leg. She didn't notice it until later that night when suddenly she could not use her right leg at all due to the immense pain from the bite. I had to physically hold her up on her right side while she hopped with her left leg to wherever she had to go. Needless to say, she saw a doctor the next day.
um MD, Black Widow venom will KILL you. It induces paralysis.
They used to use their webbing for crosshairs in rifles scopes, but when they got out of their cages (glass boxes) they evacuated the plant, and brought in exterminators pronto! ....and started looking for new ways of making fine cross hairs.
Fact: There is no spider species anywhere that can properly be called "deadly." Obviously, a few people have died from spider venom, but I know of no species anywhere on earth capable of causing death in humans in as much as 10% of cases, even if untreated. If the person bitten obtains medical aid, death from genuine spider bite ("mystery bites" falsely blamed on spiders don't count) is almost unknown in North America and a decided rarity worldwide. See the next section for a more detailed account of Australian and Brazilian spiders. "Deadly" spiders that can incapacitate you in minutes? Only in the movies!
For a further example from a spider much deadlier than the black widow:
Atrax robustus, the Sydney Funnelweb Spider, is often publicized as the "world's deadliest." Authentic medical information (click here for details) suggests otherwise. There have been no deaths (out of 30-40 bites per year) since antivenom was introduced in 1980. During the 53 year period 1927-1979 there were 13 or 14 known deaths, which would be a death rate of under 1%! Although one child died in 15 minutes, adult fatalities typically took 2-3 days. 90% of Atrax bites are judged not serious enough to need antivenom.
Doesn't it also depend on where you receive the bite? If it's in the lower part of the body, it takes longer for the paralysis from the venom to reach the critical areas like the lungs and the heart, right?
Kiran wrote:Doesn't it also depend on where you receive the bite? If it's in the lower part of the body, it takes longer for the paralysis from the venom to reach the critical areas like the lungs and the heart, right?
I can't find a link to back this up, but it makes enough sense that I'll buy it anyway.