Ryu & DT in the Modern Era : Best D3 Tandem of All Time?

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Ryu & DT in the Modern Era : Best D3 Tandem of All Time?

Post by Darktalyn1 »

Now that Ryu has seen the light and finally converted to my mouse config, he has been absolutely beastly and possibly even surpassed my own amazing skill level. So this begs the question - is there any 2v2 matchup in the history of Descent 3 that could actually beat us?

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Post by Burlyman »

meh... I think he plays about the same and that you two are both at the same high level of skill.
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Post by Ryujin »

Hey DT, don't forget you're using my original awesome keyboard config buddy! We have a nice new hybrid config that is pretty sweet.

Back on topic, I feel that I still have a ways to go to get to my best with mouse. Switching to mouse has given me an opportunity to step my game up to a level that I haven't seen even at my best using joystick 10 years ago. That said, I feel confident we can defeat any team playing now and that in short order, we will not be able to be beaten at all. ever.
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Post by Skyalmian »

There was a game aeons ago where it was I vs you two under alias in that cramped D2 version of Vamped. I think it was the one game I got the most angry/enraged in. :)

In answer to your question, [99%] no. :)
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Post by Behemoth »

nope. but you haven't got far to go.
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Post by SirSamII »

<FONT>Live</FONT> for the cause, or <FONT>die</FONT> for the cause, you will still be <FONT>redeemed</FONT> by the cause.
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Post by BUBBALOU »

Play some D1 and D2...

self proclaiming godhood in a community graveyard consisting at the most.. maybe 25 players, will hurt your elbow.. :roll: (Pat, Self, Pat)

Sarcasm aside

History of Descent 3 = NO

let the minions now spout the pair-ups of all-time below

I seem to have a better workout dodging your stupidity than attempting to grasp the weight of your intelligence.
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Post by Darktalyn1 »

In terms of skill level, the previous eras of Descent 3 were weak and uninspired compared to the current era. In a match to 100, even a glorified tandem like Birdseye and Nirvana would struggle to score 60 points against the EPIC team-up of DT & Ryu.

Behemoth these days presents solid competition, but any partner he chose would become our personal whipping boy. Therefore any team-up he attempted would be crushed under our boots like a 3 week old crusty dog turd.

The combined force of Ryujin and myself in a 2v2 might not only be one of the greatest accomplishments in Descent 3, but also one of the greatest accomplishments in the history of human civilization.

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Post by Foil »

I dunno. Birds/Nirv was before my time, but I witnessed a few Behe/Zero matches. If all were in their prime, it might be a pretty close match.

Of course, I'm not an expert. Behe/Ryu/DT are all above my level. :P

If I can manage to find some time, and as long as it's a decent level (not BI3, something like BTC), I'd love to play a match with you guys, even if I'm the \"weak 4th\".
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Post by CDN_Merlin »

Darktalyn1 wrote:In terms of skill level, the previous eras of Descent 3 were weak and uninspired compared to the current era. In a match to 100, even a glorified tandem like Birdseye and Nirvana would struggle to score 60 points against the EPIC team-up of DT & Ryu.

Behemoth these days presents solid competition, but any partner he chose would become our personal whipping boy. Therefore any team-up he attempted would be crushed under our boots like a 3 week old crusty dog turd.

The combined force of Ryujin and myself in a 2v2 might not only be one of the greatest accomplishments in Descent 3, but also one of the greatest accomplishments in the history of human civilization.

Joking or full of yourselves? There have been many great players in D3 since it started. Also, what may be a level that you guys are good at might be one your enemies don't like. So it can be lopsided unless a neutral level can be found.
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Post by SirSamII »

I say we get WarPig to pick a teammate to go up against this EPIC team-up of DT & Ryu & see how they match up ;)
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Post by Foil »

Warpig's a very cool guy (people who've met him recognize his cajun accent right away). I'd take Warpig on my team anyday for CTF/Hoard/Guardian/BreakOut, or any other well-populated game for that matter. But 1v1/2v2 isn't Warpig's strength; I've managed to beat him 1v1 a couple of times.

On the other hand, Behe/Ryu/DT pretty much specialize in 1v1s and 2v2s. I don't think I've ever done better than six kills in a first-to-10 game with any of those guys.
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Re: Ryu & DT in the Modern Era : Best D3 Tandem of All T

Post by Floyd »

Darktalyn1 wrote:So this begs the question - is there any 2v2 matchup in the history of Descent 3 that could actually beat us?
first two that come to mind: KAHA and Mac ;)
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Post by Hunter »

Won't work, because of the distance. KAHA and Mac never did that great on US servers. And while KAHA was always next to impossible for me, I had no trouble going 50/50 or more with Mac.
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Post by Darktalyn1 »

There was a game aeons ago where it was I vs you two under alias in that cramped D2 version of Vamped. I think it was the one game I got the most angry/enraged in.
QFT this intelligent, powerful, and heartfelt reply.
I say we get WarPig to pick a teammate to go up against this EPIC team-up of DT & Ryu & see how they match up
Sounds good to me. But remember, there is no flag to capture in a 2v2 :)
Warpig's a very cool guy (people who've met him recognize his cajun accent right away). I'd take Warpig on my team anyday for CTF/Hoard/Guardian/BreakOut, or any other well-populated game for that matter. But 1v1/2v2 isn't Warpig's strength
Someone give this man a cookie
I dunno. Birds/Nirv was before my time, but I witnessed a few Behe/Zero matches. If all were in their prime, it might be a pretty close match.
Zero? Not much of a threat. His final score wouldn't end up much better than his namesake. Next you're going to mention jesusfreak who would have to pray to God for forgiveness after the game. 8)
first two that come to mind: KAHA and Mac
Oh my. We might have to put to a vote whether you should be SHUNNED from the Descent Community hereafter for this comment.

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Post by Behemoth »

I don't remember me and zero ever losing but if there are any doubts about our supernatural abilities to strike fear in the hearts of these mere mortals then by all means we'll get together and have a wild house
time to put up or shut up :)
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Post by Hunter »

There are some off the grid Descent players out there (the ones you rarely see) who, if warmed up enough, can put up quite a tough fight. It's too bad so many people rarely play.
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Post by Zero! »

i remember we raped u in a pheenie and bp
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Post by Darktalyn1 »

i remember we raped u in a pheenie and bp
Never happened. But, you're welcome to try and see how that works out for you
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Post by Behemoth »

i remember we've beaten you already several times
but i'm ready to get down to business, i see Zee in chat right now
where are you and your partner?
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Post by S13driftAZ »

Ill murder all of you in descent, butt naked.
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Post by NUMBERZero »

lol. Everyone's shoven around their guns into position. There needs to be a set time and date for a game. I want to see some action!

I wonder how this team would sound... Zero and Zero(me)! :P I've never actually played with or seen Zero play. (Buckle up, this may get confusing. Just use NZ then :).)
\"PUT THE BALL INNNNNN!!!!!!\"--What I was screaming on 3/7/09 PD Reunion Monsterball game
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Post by Darktalyn1 »

Hey, even Superman has to be Clark Kent during the day. I was at work :P Just now home.

I could play tonight, but it's looking like Ryu's unavailable. The 4 of us could have had a match the other night, but that time Beh was the no-show :P

I'm fine with trying to arrange something for the end of the week or the weekend... It's just a matter of getting everyone to agree to a time. :twisted:
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Post by Sirius »

I do kind of wonder whether this is slightly overhyped... the people I remember as being truly scary were usually in IDL UT, and I don't think either DT or Ryujin ever played on it...

Of course, the IDL is practically dead now so it's largely irrelevant... but it still makes me think that comparing oneself to players who were at their peak before one even knew how good they were is unjustified, if not rather pretentious.

That may be the whole point though. MW4 had quite a few people who would talk themselves up just to laugh at the reaction.
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Post by d0ggY »

IMO, it's like comparing NHL players of today from the greats of the past. It's nearly impossible for the simple fact that the physics of the game has changed so much. When I first started in '95, everyone was on slow-as-★■◆● PC's and dealing with 200-1000ms lag. FPS was like 20 at best. And controllers of that day were also much different, with the Gravis Gamepad, Wingman Extreme, and basic joysticks/keyboard configs dominating the field. The next generation, around the time of D2, played on much faster computers and the SW 3D Pro entered, along with the Orb which drastically altered the game, imo. However, the \"greats\" adapted incredibly well to the changes and still remained at the top. A new breed came onto the scene, however, and at around the '97-98 era, I'd say the peak of good players was reached.

Then came the massive jump in processor speeds, graphics cards, etc. FPS jumped up into the 40-60 range with some players clocking it almost unfairly high. Mix this was ping times of 100ms and the game was almost impossible for players such as myself who were still on a P200mmx and struggling to hit 30fps in a room full of plasma. I know from experience that there is NO WAY to compete at that drastic a difference and I think many players felt the game was changing too much, especially once altered versions of the game started appearing.

When D3 was released, the game was simply too different for many of the \"oldbies\" of D1/D2 to transition over to. I gave it an honest try and couldn't handle the slowness (I was still on a slower computer). I finally upgraded and gave it another chance and still couldn't get used to it. I preferred the simplicity of the first 2 games and many many players were in the same boat.

As I was saying, it's no diff than hockey. The game's rules, equipment, and the way players are trained at a young age makes the comparison almost a moot point. There's simply no way to compare a new player with someone like DrDon, Scoundrl, R2D2, katO, kiln, otaY, and those players from their prime when we were all stuck on slow comps and modems. That being said, I re-joined the IDL several years ago and competed as d0ggY (I used to be \"griffin\" on the ODL, original IDL, Case's, PPG, PXO, etc) and found that the \"newer\" generation, with a few exceptions (Birdseye - somewhat newer at the time, Warlord, DJ, etc) were no where near as all-around skilled as the 'oldbies'. Perhaps it was simply a relativity factor tho, as there was a LOT more players playing in the late 90's versus the early 2000's.

In the end, comparing D3 players to D1/D2 players is definitely the biggest fallacy. There's simply no way to do so. The games aren't even the same, imo. It's like comparing Warcraft to C&C. Although you may be good at the genre in general, they aren't even remotely the same in terms of gameplay.

Just the opinion of a lurker ;)
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Post by NUMBERZero »

I just need to find myself a partner. Boogie (not here) would be a good match for me. Oh, and then there's Tebo (IDK if he is here). I'd go into observer for my team and let him do all the work! XD But if we take away the MD that might change, which brings me to my next subject.

No Mass Driver. It's the trump card for every weapon in the game. It all is a matter of who is the most jacked up at aiming it and who has the better ping. Sure the Vauss is almost the same deal, but at least you have a fighting chance, unlike the MD when you get slobber knocked and you can't aim with your next best or fastest weapon than the MD.
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Post by SirSamII »

d0ggY wrote:Mix this was ping times of 100ms and the game was almost impossible for players such as myself who were still on a P200mmx and struggling to hit 30fps in a room full of plasma.
Now with my GTX260, D3 cant even make the card work up a sweat. But I honestly agree there can't be any honest comparative competition unless everyone is on a lan getting at MOST 30ms & having comparative computer configurations. Video, Network, & Server lag both play a huge roll in player performance results.
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Post by Hunter »

Not to mention broken controllers. Show me that config DT :wink:
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Post by TheWhat »

I'll convert to your religion if you teach me to be as good as you... no I won't. But this thread is a good way to get some giant hard-ons.
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Post by Behemoth »

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Post by Darktalyn1 »

Enough chit-chat.

Who wants to throw down?

Additional slots can be added to the server so observers can view the match in awe and adoration.

Autograph sessions after the game can be scheduled as necessary.

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Post by DarkHorse »

D3 in the modern era is just failure.
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Post by Burlyman »

After all this \"talking,\" no one who was mentioned previously in this thread is available to play—not Darktalyn, not Ryujin, no one... it's Friday evening and the most challenging game being played is veinz. >_< I see why most people don't bother with D3.
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Post by S13driftAZ »

Burlyman wrote:After all this "talking," no one who was mentioned previously in this thread is available to play—not Darktalyn, not Ryujin, no one... it's Friday evening and the most challenging game being played is veinz. >_< I see why most people don't bother with D3.
Its because stupid games like halo and CoD are taking up peoples lives. There's no time anymore for a 15-year old technology-deficit game. Even I am sucked into playing a game called Monster Hunter rather than playing with you guys.
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Post by Duper »

it's not the technology that gets me. Heck, I hardly notice it truth be told. It's that i've been playing 15 years.
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Post by Darktalyn1 »

After all this \"talking,\" no one who was mentioned previously in this thread is available to play—not Darktalyn, not Ryujin, no one... it's Friday evening and the most challenging game being played is veinz. >_< I see why most people don't bother with D3
I was on tonight. I was in Veins cause it was the only server jumpin'. If you see me in Veins and want a 1v1 or something, just come grab me.
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Post by Ryujin »

I have some time this afternoon-early evening and tomorrow afternoon-evening EST if anyone has the cojones. :twisted:
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Post by Hunter »

Some good pilots in Veins, they need to come out more often. Same goes for the Skybox and Subway crowd. I guess not having instaSmarts is gonna be a problem for them.
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Post by Darktalyn1 »

We played a Best 2 of 3 with Zero and Behemoth, but the third game wasn't needed. Two blow-out victories.

Like I said, nobody's gonna be able to match up to the combined firepower of Ryujin and myself. At this point, it's just not fair anymore.

If anyone else wants to take a shot however, let us know. Until then ... best recognize ;)
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Post by Hunter »

Mix up the levels?
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