Anyone here playing minecraft?

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Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by WarAdvocat »

Because I'm sort of addicted.. My current project is beating the Ender Dragon in HC singleplayer... I hosted an SMP server for a while when my GF was waiting for SW:TOR, but sick of WOW... the TNT mountain was a hoot, but for some reason she kept PK'ing me (default skin looks a lot like a zombie it turns out and she's rather, umm.. single-minded)...

So anyhow, that's (part of) my story...

What's yours?
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by Top Gun »

Waaaaay too many stories to count. I remember when the game first started making huge waves, I took a look at it and was thankful that I wasn't a very creative person, because I figured I'd wind up hopelessly addicted to it otherwise. Fast-forward to deciding to give a demo version a shot a few months ago...and now I'm hopelessly addicted to it. :D I have a few singleplayer maps going, including a Skyblock challenge map, and I'm part of the Hard Light Productions SMP server, and might be fooling around on another creative one too. I'm hoping to make it to The End in SP too (the crazy guys on my SMP server are building there :D), though I haven't tracked down a stronghold yet. At the moment, I'm exploring an indescribably massive abandoned mineshaft complex that borders my home's cavern system. Amazingly, I don't have nearly as many incredibly stupid deaths as I used to. Maybe I'm finally learning something :P
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by WarAdvocat »

I prefer HC for single-player. When you die in HC, you have to start over - which adds a certain spice, I find. In fact, I've found out 4 or 5 times just how much spice is involved... LOL. I'm level 46 in my current HC map. I started near a mushroom biome, right next to a pumpkin patch. It was awesome. Right below there was a mine with a dungeon with watermelon seeds, too. If you're still using 1.0 I can give you the map seed, not sure if the seed works correctly in 1.1, they made some changes. edit: Oh and this seed I'm on is LOADED with underground structures. Annoyingly so, in fact. LOTS of abandoned mines, everywhere. On my new homestead, I cheated a bit and used a transparent texture pack to try to find a place relatively free of underground features for my diamond/coal/iron mine and was only modestly successful. There is multiple cave spider spawners in one of the areas I broke into... it was touch and go there for a second when that happened between the dozen spiders and the poison...

I built a mine, a farm, etc, got geared up and then farmed some obsidian. I portalled into the nether, and after much adventure I found a nether fortress and multiple blaze spawners. More adventure harvesting blazes, until I got smart and built a barricade system and enclosed their spawn area so they couldn't go flying around my little safety wall. That done, I portalled back into the overworld from the nether fortress and I am starting a homestead on that end now, including a massive chicken farm for feathers and roast chicken. I had a bit of a moment building the walls... they're 3 blocks thick so there is an interior walkway. While I was lighting the interior I heard an enderman outside so I poked a hole through the wall, put my crosshairs on the enderman to get him to come over, killed him quickly and as I went out to collect the goodies I got jumped by a creeper..., barely managed to get to shelter in time...then BAM! and I fell into the hole.. then another fell in the hole with me and BAM!... Then another, and another. 4 in total... they kept falling into the same hole and blasting it deeper as I frantically scrambled up as high as I could before they detonated. When all was said and done it took 4-5 stacks of sand to fill the hole...Exciting!

I'm working on getting enchants up and running, and my other major agenda item is getting a mob grinder built for goodies and for XP. The last one I built was in survival mode, and tuning it was waaaay too exciting for my blood to try one in HC mode until now...and it may yet kill me. If I don't get it right the first time, well, 50 x 50 fulldark chambers are dangerous, even with full diamond gear...and I'll have to go inside.

After I get my infrastructure in place on the new homestead I'll be off to find endermen (I've only got about 7 ender pearls, I need to figure out a way to find more endermen).. if I make it that far.

Hardcore mode is really fun for me though. Real consequences rather than wrist slaps.
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by Top Gun »

Winding up with your entire inventory dumped in a lava pit seems like a bit more than a "wrist slap" to me, but to each their own. :P I couldn't see ever trying out HC mode myself; my personal idea of gaming fun doesn't involve sinking hour upon hour into a particular area, and then having it forcibly deleted because I happened to make a single mistake. In any case, I recently completed the standard 50x50 canal trap, and it honestly wasn't too bad; the only time I died involved a stupid lava incident. So long as you keep what you dig well-lit, nothing can spawn down there, and I don't think I had anything spawn even while I was gathering up the torches as the final step.

That creeper story definitely rings true, though. I was getting gang-banged by them at certain moments last night while doing more cave exploring. I had armor on, so they couldn't do much to me, but it was still trying my nerves. :D
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by Foil »

I know Lothar runs a minecraft server, with a few active players. Might try asking him.
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by WarAdvocat »

Oh, I feel your pain, after dying multiple times in SMP and losing full diamond gear and various extremely hard earned and vaulable items... But compared to losing EVERYTHING and starting over it's umm... rather painless. I guess I'm a masochist. The first time I died I was SO mad at myself, then I learned to make armor ASAP and that helped a lot. Poor cows.

As for the mob grinder, I saw a plan with an elevator that uses sunlight to kill the zombies and skellingtons. I'm wondering how sophisticated I want to get, with mob filters and suchlike. It's pretty involved :) I like that. My previous grinders were essentially canal traps with a lava blade beneath to kill the baddies. I think I may go fancy this time around. I mean, if I survive.
Foil wrote:I know Lothar runs a minecraft server, with a few active players. Might try asking him.
I bet his buildout is pretty amazing. I've seen his duo-deco-octo-brazillion-hedrons.
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by WarAdvocat »

For anyone who is interested, the seed for my current world -6212735577472455062

You spawn by a gigantic mushroom biome, but in a random locale. I went cross country and built my first home from a giant mushroom located at 379,-66, Just down the hill are some pumpkins.

Nether coords for Nether Fortress with at least 2 blaze spawners: 40,-293. I built a portal in the same Nether Fortress at 117,-323 which drops off at 924,-2580 in the overworld on top of a hill. In theory the reverse should apply if you don't find nether trekking amusing.

The underground is of this entire seed is ridiculously loaded with features, much more so than most of the other seeds I've tried. Too much so at times. There is an abandoned mine near the starter mushroom house at 445, -57 on level 14, I didn't really explore it but if I recall correctly that's where I found the melon seeds.
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by Top Gun »

Yeah, you can do a lot of crazy stuff with mobs. The design I'm using is one that I saw being used on my SMP server. I have the usual 50x50 canal room setup, but I don't have the mobs dropping down into a room below. Instead, I have a 2x2 "mobavator" using water source blocks suspended between alternating signs; this floats the mobs up into my house's basement, where I have the usual lava blade to finish them off. The design at the bottom to draw the mobs up into the tunnel is a bit complex and uses a goofy sign arrangement, but it winds up working very well. I figured it'd be easier to bring the mobs up to me than to have to walk down to bedrock every time I wanted to pick some loot up.
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by WarAdvocat »

Endermen, Endermen, wherefore art thou Endermen...Other than.. in... umm...The end.
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by Top Gun »

Yeah, Ender Pearls are a real pain in the ass to find now, since Endermen don't fry in the sun. The End is full of Endermen, but you need them to get there in the first place. :P
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by Enzo-03 »

I used to play quite a bit. Last time I played, HC was not yet implemented and Endermen were a big issue because they would destroy everything.
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by LightWolf »

You know, I don't mind not finding Endermen. I'd just run away because of enderphobia anyway :P
Whatever I just said, I hope you understood it correctly. Understood what I meant, I mean.
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by LightWolf »

I have an efficient mob spawner\XP farm setup. Simply, you build up an obsidian pillar with a ton of blocks, with a 2X2 hole in the middle of it. 1X1 works, but then spiders start to annoy you. Then, you build a 10X10 platform, four blocks mined so that mobs can fall down the center pillar. You then build up, but only on the corners. There should be 4 2X4 areas adjacent to the hole. Then, you place one sign on one block of the uppermost wall of the hole, and place signs on it in such a way that there is one sign above each block of the hole. Then, in the 2 blocks of the 2X4s closest to the side of the spawner, use a water bucket. Finally, build a roof so that there is 3 blocks of air above the uppermost block, as well as walls.

One more thing: Make a 1 tall by 2 wide gap on the second block up on the pillar. Fill in the bottom 4 blocks, so that, from the inside point of view, the gap is on the bottom. Place 2 signs in the gap, then fill the bottom block with water. For easy loot catching, make the bottom of the pillar hoppers instead of obsidian. Mobs will spawn, then fall into the water, waiting for you to kill them. You harvest the XP, the hoppers harvest the loot so you can take it.
Whatever I just said, I hope you understood it correctly. Understood what I meant, I mean.
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by Viper1999 »

I've played it since 2010 back when Minecraft was in Alpha. God I miss those old days.

Also anyone here know SkyDoesMinecraft?
If you don't know, you can check out his channel here:
*yawn*, now where was I again...
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by Isaac »

Dwarf fortress is best fortress, LightWolf, you filthy casual. :E
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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by Burlyman »

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Re: Anyone here playing minecraft?

Post by WarAdvocat »

Someone is off their meds again. Watch out.
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