tunnelcat wrote:... My only point is that apparently Zimmerman, who was armed, did not broadcast his intentions when he followed Martin. Zimmerman created the situation, Martin reacted and yes, may have instigated things, but now he's dead because he didn't bring a gun to what he thought was only a fist fight.
And there lies the heart of the matter! '
Martin thought he was justified starting a fight'!!!
He wasn't justified by any custom of civilized society or any law of self defense, etc. he was justified by his programming that anyone who dares consider him a 'problem' based on 'appearance' can be beaten to the ground and have their head pummeled into stone!
That firey anger that is kept stoked by the race mongers is what led him to his doom.
It is highly unlikely that Martin would have seriously hurt or killed anyone on his way home that night....it is highly unlikely he was going to break into a house or rob someone that night. Just as it is highly unlikely Zimmerman intended to cause any harm to Martin that night.....he obviously wanted the cops to question Martin.
What went terribly wrong wasn't a neighborhood watchman calling the cops when he saw the epitome of what he was told to watch for! That was a reasonably expected and lawful thing for him to do in that circumstance.
What went wrong was when Martin did what he was programmed to do. To react in an extreme way to what other people dismiss as a mere inconvenience or insulting presumption on the part of another.
What happened to Martin is a microcosm of what most black Americans are doing to themselves right now! They are reacting like Pavlov's dog to a stimuli designed to evoke a response for the pleasure of their masters.
Of course it is insulting to a young black man to be looked at as being a likely criminal but in a place where the criminals are more likely to be young black men any sense of insult has to be reconciled with the possibility the offender has a reasonable cause for his suspicion. Something short of violent attack would be your best reaction. Empathy grace and humility would win you fortunes of good will in that scenario.
However if you have only been taught that you should have extreme indignation at any sign of suspicion...that any sign of suspicion is only because the offender is a racist peckerwood...or racist rapist...etc...that you have the weight of millions of tortured slave ancestors to avenge....that you are justified in striking out with venemous vulgarity and even violent assault at the temerity of someone recognizing you to resemble previous criminals that frequent the area...
Well, then you are doomed if you think you can operate safely in today's world with that kind of chip on your shoulder! Worse case scenario you might end up dead.