Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

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Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by Skyalmian »

Will Ebola Exterminate Us? wrote:
Russia hasn't done anything except get in the way, belatedly, of Washington's lies that Washington uses to start wars. Russia (and China) went along with Washington's lies about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Russia (and China) went along with Washington's lies that Washington's 13-year attempted conquest and occupation of Afghanistan had to do with finding Osama bin Laden. Washington (and China) fell for Washington's deception that a UN resolution establishing a no-fly zone over Libya was for the purpose of preventing Gaddafi's air force from bombing his own people, only to discover that Washington misused the resolution to send the NATO air force to overthrow the Libyan government.

When Washington drew a "red line" in the sand with regard to the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons against the outside forces that Washington had organized and sent into Syria to overthrow the government, all the while pretending that these Islamists mercenaries were the true spokesmen for democracy in Syria, most of the world knew that Washington was about to organize a chemical attack and blame Assad. When the Washington orchestrated attack happened on schedule, this time Russia and China did not fall for it. And neither did the British Parliament. Washington was unable to produce any evidence for the charges that Washington made and hoped would bring in at least the British to support Washington's military assault on Syria. Russia, however, was able to produce evidence, and the evidence foiled Washington's plot against Syria.

Russia's intervention angered Washington, as did Russia's intervention that blocked Washington's plot to attack Iran. Washington, devoid of all evidence and in contradiction to the reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency from inspectors on the ground in Iran that there was no diversion of uranium from the legal energy program to a weapons program, had Iran set up for attack. Iran was surrounded by about 40 US military bases and two of Washington's fleets off its coast.

But in stepped Russia and worked out a deal, which Washington had to accept, that kept Iranian uranium enrichment at the low level used for energy, a level far below weapons requirements.

Two black marks agains Russia whose government prevented wars that Washington wanted. Russia (and China) were supposed to endorse Washington's lies like the puppet states of Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan, countries that long ago gave up their sovereignty to Washington.

Unfortunately for Russia, Russia demonstrated that Russia had achieved sufficient power and influence to block Washington's war plans and, thereby, brought into action against Russia the Wolfowitz Doctrine. I have cited this doctrine in recent columns, but you can Google it and read it for yourself.
Wolfowitz Doctrine # Russian Threat wrote:
The doctrine highlighted the possible threat posed by a resurgent Russia.
We continue to recognize that collectively the conventional forces of the states formerly comprising the Soviet Union retain the most military potential in all of Eurasia; and we do not dismiss the risks to stability in Europe from a nationalist backlash in Russia or efforts to reincorporate into Russia the newly independent republics of Ukraine, Belarus, and possibly others....We must, however, be mindful that democratic change in Russia is not irreversible, and that despite its current travails, Russia will remain the strongest military power in Eurasia and the only power in the world with the capability of destroying the United States.
This was removed from the April 16 release in favour of a more diplomatic approach.
The U.S. has a significant stake in promoting democratic consolidation and peaceful relations between Russia, Ukraine and the other republics of the former Soviet Union.
Will Ebola Exterminate Us? wrote:The doctrine is the basis for Washington's foreign policy and declares that the principle goal of Washington's foreign policy is to prevent the rise of any country that could serve as a check on Washington's hegemony over the world. (The doctrine explicitly mentions Russia but also applies to China.)
Much more within the link.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by Tunnelcat »

Ya know, my tin hat went on the other day when they announced that those 2 Americans with Ebola were being brought to the U.S. for better "treatment". Uh huh. Why? Why bring that bug over here, onto our continent, when we can't cure or treat it here anyway? Sure, they used that old excuse that we could treat it better on our soil and that "We'll be very careful", but why have so much hubris to even take the risk of that special bio-level 4 containment plane crashing, or even the containment ambulance getting into an accident on our highways? Accidents do happen. So I know that excuse is nothing but a cover for their load of horse poop. Ebola still has no cure or effective treatment and that immune booster drug they're trying on those 2 has no track record of actually helping kill the Ebola virus in a human patient anyway. In fact, they already had used that drug on those 2 in Africa, where the FDA has no regulatory control. Plus, the CDC has just been embroiled in a scandal about lost and misplaced samples of Smallpox, Anthrax and Bird Flu, so their ability to handle dangerous pathogens is at the very least, questionable!

http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/ ... story.html

http://www.opposingviews.com/i/health/s ... y-cdc-says

So the only thing I could come up with was that someone in our government wants to have a controlled sample of that particular bug in their hot little bio-level 4 facility hands, for "research". :wink: Suuuure, if you think our military "never" wants to produce some type of bio-weapon. By the way, a cousin of Ebola has already gotten loose in the U.S. An airborne and non-lethal to humans previously undiscovered close relative of Ebola, so new that they named it after the place it was discovered in, the Reston Virus. This nasty little bug got loose from a quarantine lab in Reston, Virginia in the 1980's, right next to Washington DC of all places. A caretaker got it from infected monkeys, a virus which was, and is, still lethal to monkeys. This caretaker had no body fluid to body fluid contact with the monkeys and the lab people didn't even realize it was airborne transmissible, until their caretaker came down with flu-like symptoms. After much detective work and head gnashing, they figured out how he got sick, how he caught the bug from within the lab itself and that he had already spread it out into the population by the time they'd figured it out! Whoopsie! Everybody in the U.S. has probably been exposed to the Reston Virus by now. You want to get an eye opener about Ebola? Read the book, "The Hot Zone".
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by callmeslick »

please, people. Those folks were brought to Emory, because they have one of the few state of the art facilities for severe viral infection on the planet. They are here, at this moment, receiving experimental sera treatments that would not be available in Africa, and they are here for those because they are American citizens. The likelihood of a widespread Ebola outbreak in this nation, with our normal level of viral containment protocols, is negligible, to be charitable. The sort of panicked response of laypeople such as TC above is VERY counterproductive. And, to elevate it to the tin-foil hat wearing lunacy in Sky's references would be funny except that some folks actually take that blather seriously.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by Tunnelcat »

Pish. So much hubris, so little paranoia. You are still forgetting that those 2 were transported by plane and vehicle over and on our soil and highways. There's nothing that says that accidents with planes and trucks will never happen. The transport of these 2 infected people to this country was a foolhardy idea at best, and for nefarious reasons at worst. The doctors on TV saying that we've taken all precautions and that positively nothing will happen are so deluded or full of hubris it makes my head spin. Besides, many Ebola infected people have survived in Africa just fine, so that's a very poor reason to move very sick and extremely contagious people. Those 2 people knew their odds when they volunteered to go over there and help, they're doctors after all, so they knew their chances of getting Ebola was pretty high. If you asked either of them if they thought the risks outweighed the gains of bringing them home to U.S soil was a good idea, they would have probably said "no" after seeing how easily this bug could spread over there, even when they tried themselves to NOT get it. The problem is, we're too arrogant for our own good to think clearly sometimes.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by callmeslick »

tunnelcat wrote:Pish. So much hubris, so little paranoia. You are still forgetting that those 2 were transported by plane and vehicle over and on our soil and highways. There's nothing that says that accidents with planes and trucks will never happen. The transport of these 2 infected people to this country was a foolhardy idea at best, and for nefarious reasons at worst.
nonsense. Further, I would hope that as good a care gets taken of me in a similar situation. Do you know how ebola spreads, and the level of contact one has to maintain to contract it?
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by callmeslick »

first off, how is Ebola virus contracted?
Human-to-human transmission, primarily through direct or indirect contact with bodily fluids such as blood, saliva, urine, feces, or semen.
Contact with contaminated objects such as needles and/or soiled bedding or clothing.
It's not airborne like the flu."
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/h ... z39YPCWYae

what this means, in the civilized world, is this: the only people at risk would be medical professionals with REALLY bad sterile procedure in place, or morgue workers handling freshly deceased victims, once again with very poor hygene involved. This thing pretty much spreads as weakly as does AIDS, with the extra caveat that the virus doesn't survive long in the victim before doing the victim in. Thus, there aren't silent infected people loose in the population, so sexual transmission is unlikely. This virus, while deadly, is EXTREMELY limited in scope, has been shown to have no tendency to morph into a more virulent type, and generally only shows large outbreaks in extremely poor areas with bad water and sanitary facilities and little or no functional hospitals(as Westerners would view them). It isn't going to ravage North America, nor Europe and to give way to any panic or stupid conjecture otherwise is reckless and ignorant.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by Top Gun »

You know I thought this folder was bad enough as-is, but now we have to bring bull★■◆● conspiracy woo into play. Dear lord.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by Ferno »

tunnelcat wrote:Pish. So much hubris, so little paranoia. You are still forgetting that those 2 were transported by plane and vehicle over and on our soil and highways. There's nothing that says that accidents with planes and trucks will never happen. The transport of these 2 infected people to this country was a foolhardy idea at best, and for nefarious reasons at worst. The doctors on TV saying that we've taken all precautions and that positively nothing will happen are so deluded or full of hubris it makes my head spin. Besides, many Ebola infected people have survived in Africa just fine, so that's a very poor reason to move very sick and extremely contagious people. Those 2 people knew their odds when they volunteered to go over there and help, they're doctors after all, so they knew their chances of getting Ebola was pretty high. If you asked either of them if they thought the risks outweighed the gains of bringing them home to U.S soil was a good idea, they would have probably said "no" after seeing how easily this bug could spread over there, even when they tried themselves to NOT get it. The problem is, we're too arrogant for our own good to think clearly sometimes.

this is insane. because of this, we are asked to believe the CDC, among other organizations are suddenly negligent in the health of the country.

The containment procedures of every health organization in the first world are simply staggering. Ebola, in particular requires a biosafety level 4 before anything can be done with it, or the patients.

Let's see what biosafety 4 requires.
This level is required for work with dangerous and exotic agents that pose a high individual risk of aerosol-transmitted laboratory infections, agents which cause severe to fatal disease in humans for which vaccines or other treatments are not available, such as Bolivian and Argentine hemorrhagic fevers, Marburg virus, Ebola virus, Lassa virus, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, and various other hemorrhagic diseases. This level is also used for work with agents such as smallpox that are considered dangerous enough to require the additional safety measures, regardless of vaccination availability. When dealing with biological hazards at this level the use of a positive pressure personnel suit, with a segregated air supply, is mandatory. The entrance and exit of a level four biolab will contain multiple showers, a vacuum room, an ultraviolet light room, and other safety precautions designed to destroy all traces of the biohazard. Multiple airlocks are employed and are electronically secured to prevent both doors from opening at the same time. All air and water service going to and coming from a biosafety level 4 (or P4) lab will undergo similar decontamination procedures to eliminate the possibility of an accidental release.

Agents with a close or identical antigenic relationship to biosafety level 4 agents are handled at this level until sufficient data are obtained either to confirm continued work at this level, or to work with them at a lower level.

Members of the laboratory staff have specific and thorough training in handling extremely hazardous infectious agents and they understand the primary and secondary containment functions of the standard and special practices, the containment equipment, and the laboratory design characteristics. They are supervised by qualified scientists who are trained and experienced in working with these agents. Access to the laboratory is strictly controlled by the laboratory director.

The facility is either in a separate building or in a controlled area within a building, which is completely isolated from all other areas of the building. A specific facility operations manual is prepared or adopted. Building protocols for preventing contamination often use negatively pressurized facilities, which, even if compromised, would severely inhibit an outbreak of aerosol pathogens.

I swear to god, this place is turning more and more into a loony bin every day.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by Top Gun »

Side note: if you're in any way squeamish, do not look up the symptoms for all of the hemorrhagic fevers which fall within that category. Seriously awful diseases.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by woodchip »

So were the patients transported all the way in hermetically sealed chambers? That means on the plane, when they got off the plane prior to being loaded on a ambulance. If not then you have to worry about the little things...like gnats, flies and mosquitoes. Also I found this interesting little tidbit:
Ebola-Reston appeared in a primate research facility in Virginia,
where it may have been transmitted from monkey to monkey through the air. While all Ebola virus species have displayed the ability to be spread through airborne particles (aerosols) under research conditions, this type of spread has not been documented among humans in a real-world setting,such as a hospital or household

So straight from a CDC fact sheet. While airborne transmission between humans has not yet been documented doesn't mean it won't. Still feel safe?
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by callmeslick »

yes....funny how the ignorant get worked up by this. If you saw the pictures of the two persons being transported, they were completely sealed into
protective suits. Further, there is no history of Ebola having massively virulent outbreaks, ever(I'm talking Bubonic Plague or Influenza type here).
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by woodchip »

The problem is slick, are the people who came back from ebola stricken regions with no symptoms but have the disease. Were they in containment suits? Incubation period is 2-21 days. From the WHO:
Ebola virus was isolated from semen 61 days after onset of illness in a man who was infected in a laboratory.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by callmeslick »



ever. Why? Because if you have basic protective measures to prevent against fluid contact, and the virus doesn't transmit via airborne or insect vectors, it cannot spread quickly. The ONLY places that have had any outbreaks have crude, if any, sanitation and protective measures. Even at that, a glance at the history of the virus shows that it seldom maintains a wide geographic pattern of outbreaks. Sure, the CDC monitors ships and other common international transfer points, as a precaution. Still, there is NO evidence that this virus is capable of a widespread epidemic.

Now, my questions to you, Woody, are these: why are you suddenly so fearful of Ebola? What is so scary to you? Why is this a significant problem?I mean, more people will die this week in Gaza than will die from this entire outbreak. More people die in the US every February from flu than will likely ever from Ebola. What makes this such a scary scenario? Could it be that someone's handlers are working up to a 'blame Obama' moment here?
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by callmeslick »

more facts for the panic-stricken idiocracy in this country:
http://blogs.villagevoice.com/runninsca ... primer.php
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by woodchip »

Actually I'm not fearful, but then I'm not making light of this either. I suggest you look at the out break numbers over the years and you will sill they are getting ever larger. There just might be a reason why Gabon does not allow anyone in from Ebola infected countries. Still feel safe?
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by Spidey »

I’m not into the whole Ebola thing, but I do enjoy it when people use the saying…"it can’t happen here” or any of its derivatives…(it hasn’t happened yet, etc)

History has proven it to be wrong…time and time again.
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by callmeslick »

this is simply not a disease that should affect a modern nation, with decent(we are way past decent) procedures and materials for containment and isolation of infected individuals. As for the growth in scope of this outbreak, put it in perspective. Thus far, less than 1000 people have died, no month has seen more than 100. Compare this, please, to common influenza strains.

now, none of what I say precludes a wholesale mutation, which could occur anywhere, at any time, theoretically. I'm thinking of development of higher virulence, airborne transmission, longer incubation or dormant phase, or viable insect vectors. However, the Ebola virus, as currently seen, has NONE of those features, and it would be a radical mutagenic episode for them to occur. And, should that occur, in our modern era of transportation, it wouldn't matter if Patient Zero were in Africa, Asia or the Americas. Once again, see how influenza travels in waves.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by Tunnelcat »

Spidey wrote:I’m not into the whole Ebola thing, but I do enjoy it when people use the saying…"it can’t happen here” or any of its derivatives…(it hasn’t happened yet, etc)

History has proven it to be wrong…time and time again.
Oooh, I'm glad somebody has a brain and uses it to THINK about the consequences of other people's decisions. I'm not the only one with a tin hat either, as the link below attests to. And why am I NOT SURPRISED that an American Drug company stands to reap BILLIONS of dollars off of this outbreak. By the way, who's paying for all this treatment and the transport of these 2 people? Not them personally I'm assuming...... :wink:

http://globalrumblings.blogspot.com/201 ... ients.html

Slick, Ebola may not be very transmissible, but it does like to mutate. Who's to say when it will mutate into an airborne and lethal version? It's already mutated into a non-lethal airborne version. This version in the outbreak in Africa has already overwhelmed and infected trained doctors in several African countries. By the way, an Ebola infected patient has already gotten on a plane and thrown up while traveling to another country. A plane full of people most certainly exposed to an infected patient's bodily fluids. Plus, did anyone think beforehand to use bio-hazard level 4 bunny suits to clean up that plane.......at the time? It also takes 8 to 10 days for symptoms to show up that identify a person as infected with Ebola. Air travel is going to be the biggest and quickest transmission vessel for any disease of all time, and all too often we aren't careful, or don't know, about comes on board.

But my gripe is with those 2 people that were transported OVER AMERICAN SOIL, specifically the upper East Coast, in aircraft and vehicles. If either of those planes had crashed in areas where the news doesn't travel so quickly, how long do you think it would take for some EMT, or even an everyday person happening onto the crash site, to come into contact with the bodily fluids of those infected patients? Not everyone is wise to a level 4 pathogen. Everyone usually wants to help when they see a crash victim and they don't think of getting some disease when they do their good deed either.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by vision »

tunnelcat wrote:If either of those planes had crashed in areas where the news doesn't travel so quickly, how long do you think it would take for some EMT, or even an everyday person happening onto the crash site, to come into contact with the bodily fluids of those infected patients?
Bwahahahaha. OMG this site is too much. My stomach actually hurts from laughing. Seriously people, get a grip. The "what if" scenarios on E&C are so ridiculous it makes me think you are all insane. Why stop at a plane crashing and an EMT? Why not have the plane disintegrate in mid-air and slice up the patient into tiny bits that fall into a water reservoir next to a soda bottling plant and an orphanage? Better yet, let's have the Illuminati shoot a missile at the plane too.

Jesus Christ people, hahahaha.
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by callmeslick »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

you covered everything but the Obama administration, vision. Thanks for the needed laugh. Watch carefully where most of the Ebola hubbub is being created. I suspect that somehow Obama or Hillary Clinton will be painted as sinister threats in the grand plot, shortly.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by Spidey »

vision wrote:
tunnelcat wrote:If either of those planes had crashed in areas where the news doesn't travel so quickly, how long do you think it would take for some EMT, or even an everyday person happening onto the crash site, to come into contact with the bodily fluids of those infected patients?
Bwahahahaha. OMG this site is too much. My stomach actually hurts from laughing. Seriously people, get a grip. The "what if" scenarios on E&C are so ridiculous it makes me think you are all insane. Why stop at a plane crashing and an EMT? Why not have the plane disintegrate in mid-air and slice up the patient into tiny bits that fall into a water reservoir next to a soda bottling plant and an orphanage? Better yet, let's have the Illuminati shoot a missile at the plane too.

Jesus Christ people, hahahaha.
I don’t think Ebola can infect a water supply.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by callmeslick »

Spidey wrote: I don’t think Ebola can infect a water supply.
only if the crashing plane stirs it up real well with the chopped-up Ebola victim's bodies, and heats it to around 35.2 C for about 16 minutes, and a passing manure truck collides with a milk tanker and those spill into the water and feed the bacteria. Hell, it's possible. As Woody put it, above, you still feel safe?

for the record, I do, but I did damn near injure myself laughing at the utter idiocy this thread drew from some quarters. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by Spidey »

You choose different words than I do…that’s for sure.

But the way I see it is, Ebola touches some primal fear centers in people’s brains, and this causes them to think….errrr…unclearly.
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by callmeslick »

Spidey wrote:You choose different words than I do…that’s for sure.

But the way I see it is, Ebola touches some primal fear centers in people’s brains, and this causes them to think….errrr…unclearly.
I remember when I was in grad school(shortly after the switch from papyrus to paper).....Ebola had only been discovered a few years before I was in school, and I had to attend a handful of Virology seminars dealing with current research on it. It WAS a scary sounding thing at that time, especially given the coincidence of AIDS(which also came out of Africa), and lack of knowledge of all the potential vectors for infection on Ebola or AIDS. Internal bleeding is not a pleasant way to go.

What is sad, nowadays, it that SO much knowledge is available, which SHOULD be reassuring, but instead, certain corners(here, I WILL squarely blame all news media primarily, something I am often reluctant to do) get whipped into a frenzy over a viral threat to the US which is, for all practical purposes, nonexistant.
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by Ferno »

I suppose this thread could be used as a micro-example as to why it's not a good idea to listen to anyone who isn't an authority on the subject.
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by Spidey »

Sounds like the way some people get all up in a tizzy about guns…lots of irrational fear there as well.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by Skyalmian »

vision wrote:Bwahahahaha. OMG this site is too much. My stomach actually hurts from laughing. Seriously people, get a grip. The "what if" scenarios on E&C are so ridiculous it makes me think you are all insane. Why stop at a plane crashing and an EMT? Why not have the plane disintegrate in mid-air and slice up the patient into tiny bits that fall into a water reservoir next to a soda bottling plant and an orphanage? Better yet, let's have the Illuminati shoot a missile at the plane too.
The only mention of 'Ebola' in the original post / thread was twice, and in the link title alone. (The actual quoted material was within context of the discussion). Those here were obviously ready for this thread and just jumped on it. :huh:
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by woodchip »

callmeslick wrote:

I'm thinking of development of higher virulence, airborne transmission, longer incubation or dormant phase, or viable insect vectors. However, the Ebola virus, as currently seen, has NONE of those features,
I guess you overlooked the airborne transmission between lab monkeys...but what the heck. What does one expect from someone promoting protecting political ideologies instead of science. Still feel safe?
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by callmeslick »

sorry, no such viable evidence in natural settings to date. You don't get some mutagenic effect out of an outbreak. What are you so afraid of, Woody, and what the hell is in any way political about this?
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by woodchip »

Natural state is much harder to document. Lab testing is what tells researchers whats going on. If air borne transmission occurs in the lab yo can bet your bippy it happens in natural settings. Perhaps you should check your Alma Mater's certifications if you were not taught this.
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by callmeslick »

woodchip wrote:Natural state is much harder to document. Lab testing is what tells researchers whats going on. If air borne transmission occurs in the lab yo can bet your bippy it happens in natural settings. Perhaps you should check your Alma Mater's certifications if you were not taught this.
I can't go into virology with you here, at the level than would be needed, but this virus just isn't likely to make that jump in a human setting. I ask again, why are you so afraid? I know I've commented that most of your response to life is evidence of a boatload of fear, but this? I don't see why the fear.
Also, I'll repeat the question--why should the treatment of Ebola patients in this country, or a regional pandemic in poor areas of West Africa in any way political?
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by woodchip »

Why do you keep trying to gull us into thinking absolutely nothing can happen if it isn't political? you own stock in big pharma?
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by callmeslick »

to put it in perspective, as of today, the WHO reports a total of a bit more than 1800 confirmed cases....WORLDWIDE. To date, a bit over 950 souls have died(jives with the standard 50% mortality the disease has always evidenced)....once again less than 1000 WORLDWIDE. I refer you all, once again, to the influenza virus which becomes pandemic ANNUALLY and affects millions and kills thousands. This Ebola outbreak has gone on for three months or more, and still hasn't done in 1000 people. WHY THE PANIC?

Woody, 'gull us into thinking'? Hardly, I am trying to reassure you that NOTHING is going to develop along the lines you suggest, and that there is no respectable cell biologist or virologist that would suggest otherwise, that I'm aware of.

(I think Snoopy hit it on the head, in that the nature of the illness freaks some folks out, but there is so much information available, one would think that any fear from a Westerner borders on silliness)
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by Tunnelcat »

vision wrote:Bwahahahaha. OMG this site is too much. My stomach actually hurts from laughing. Seriously people, get a grip. The "what if" scenarios on E&C are so ridiculous it makes me think you are all insane. Why stop at a plane crashing and an EMT? Why not have the plane disintegrate in mid-air and slice up the patient into tiny bits that fall into a water reservoir next to a soda bottling plant and an orphanage? Better yet, let's have the Illuminati shoot a missile at the plane too.

Jesus Christ people, hahahaha.
Glad I could be an entertainment, but a possibility is a possibility. :wink: Sometimes sh*t happens when all possibilities are not taken into consideration. Not all people think to put on gloves and masks when helping a bleeding accident victim. I didn't think of it when I helped out a person after they'd been in a car accident. They were bleeding too. Remember, those 2 Americans that caught Ebola where covered head to toe in protective suits and had extensive knowledge concerning careful hygiene and Ebola, and they STILL contracted the bug.
callmeslick wrote:sorry, no such viable evidence in natural settings to date. You don't get some mutagenic effect out of an outbreak. What are you so afraid of, Woody, and what the hell is in any way political about this?
We don't really know where Ebola is hiding between human outbreaks, do we? Obviously, some people in Africa are coming into some sort of contact with whatever vector reservoir that harbors the bug, but it's not a regular occurrence is it? If it was, we'd be hearing about outbreaks constantly, because people over there consume bush meat like we do steak.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by vision »

tunnelcat wrote:Remember, those 2 Americans that caught Ebola where covered head to toe in protective suits and had extensive knowledge concerning careful hygiene and Ebola, and they STILL contracted the bug.
Yes, but that has more to do with the poor hospital facilities in rural Africa. Bio-suits are less effective when used outside of an adequate, sterile infrastructure. The same doctors in the same bio-suits in the US would have dramatically better protection.

Let's put it this way, if someone just walked in to the US with Ebola and started spreading it, the virus wouldn't get very far. Sure some people would die, but fewer than the number who die from smoking every day.
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by Spidey »

The Ebola reservoir is believed to be bats.

And you would think it should be easy for a professional to avoid bodily fluids, even in poor conditions.
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by Top Gun »

Have you ever lived in the middle of a refugee camp? Yeah, try avoiding contact with any sort of human excrement then.
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by Spidey »

That’s a pretty shitty scenario…

Why the hell would anybody under any conditions let the feces from another person touch their skin?
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Re: Ebola! [Split from Russian Lacky's Admit]

Post by Top Gun »

You honestly think they have a choice? Put it to you this way: even in Europe, in the Middle Ages, people flung buckets of waste out of their windows into the street. This is the level of sanitation we're talking about here.
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Re: Russian Lacky's Admit

Post by Ferno »

tunnelcat wrote:Glad I could be an entertainment, but a possibility is a possibility. :wink: Sometimes sh*t happens when all possibilities are not taken into consideration. Not all people think to put on gloves and masks when helping a bleeding accident victim. I didn't think of it when I helped out a person after they'd been in a car accident. They were bleeding too. Remember, those 2 Americans that caught Ebola where covered head to toe in protective suits and had extensive knowledge concerning careful hygiene and Ebola, and they STILL contracted the bug.
you know all these what-if scenarios that kept being dreamt up here? Well, the WHO and the CDC have dreamt up all those, and more... and have plans for every single one of them