Let's Play BreakOut! Round #8!

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Lady Silver
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Let's Play BreakOut! Round #8!

Post by Lady Silver »

Calling all Descent 3 pilots!
This week we will be playing a mod made by RIP Foil called BreakOut!
It's a team game where, if you are killed, you are sent to "jail". The goal is to jail all members of the opposite team before they can "BreakOut" (be set free by their team mates).
Follow this link to learn the rules and download the mod: http://descentbb.net/viewtopic.php?t=15554

Date: Friday November 6th
Time: 10:00 pm EST
Place: Glass House & Alcatraz

We will start with Glass House, moving on to Alcatraz afterwards.
These games can be found using the Descent trackers, but I will also provide IP addresses later on.

Please let me know if you plan to make it; I like having an idea of how many pilots are coming so I can lure more pilots in with the numbers. ;)

This invite is also being posted on the Descent Champions Ladder and the Descendent Studios forums.

We have a new host! I would like to thank Krom for providing the servers for us!

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Re: Let's Play BreakOut! Round #8!

Post by Foil »

I'll be there. 8)
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Re: Let's Play BreakOut! Round #8!

Post by Lady Silver »

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Re: Let's Play BreakOut! Round #8!

Post by Lady Silver »


I have had some problems getting the BreakOut version of the level Glasshouse to work on my computer. Dues has had the same issue. But I have spoken to 2 other pilots that can play it without a hitch. So, tonight I'm going to pull Glasshouse from the menu.

So we will start the night off playing BreakOut in Alcatraz, IP#

When we are done there, we can move to Seleg Prime and play some CTF, IP#

I highly recommend reading the BreakOut readme before the game tonight: http://downloads.ripteam.com/foil/BreakOutReadMe.txt

I'll see you guys in a few hours!

Prepare for Descent! 8-)
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Re: Let's Play BreakOut! Round #8!

Post by Lady Silver »

Foil, you have made an excellent mod! It's a shame more pilots aren't familiar with BreakOut! Definitely underplayed. We must get together and play it again soon! :)

We flew in Alcatraz all night, which, as you may have guessed, is designed to look like a prison. Perfect for BreakOut. There is a main floor you fight on, containing 2 separate bases, 2 separate courts to fight in, and a corridor separating the red side from the blue side.
Each team has a jail cell located in their base where their opponents are kept once they are shotdown/captured. Also, hidden in the base behind a wall is a lever your opponents have to get to in order to free their comrades. Each team has an outer court that is wonderful for dog-fighting in. There are also tunnels that have been "dug out" under the floors, and air ducts you can fly through in the ceiling that lead into the bases, so there wasn't just one way in and out. The air ducts were heavily used and made for some hilarious encounters. :lol:
Many rounds were played where-in there were numerous jailbreaks made by both teams; making it just that much more fun and challenging. A few times someone accidentally opened the wrong jail cell and let their enemies out...oops. :P lol
Game lasted about 2 1/2 hours. At most we only had 6 pilots, but we still had so much fun! I would love to play this with 10 or more pilots!

Ryusei, we made a great team! Nice flying with you! :)
It was the final game: 2 v 2, Fireball and Dues vs Ryusei117 and I. Game ends at 10 points and we were losing 7 - 9. Ryu and I were able to fight off the enemy and rescue each other from jail enough times to pull ahead and claim the victory! :) I made the final fatal MD shot, shooting Fireball as he was just about to round the corner of the wall near the lever and free Dues. After pulling the trigger the score board came on showing us as the winners and I threw both my hands in the air and called out "Yes! I got him!". LOL I guess I was a little caught up in the moment. :D
Fun times!

Thanks for flying with us and showing us the ropes, Foil!
Thank you for hosting for us, Krom!

Until next time, I'll see you in the mines! 8-)
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Re: Let's Play BreakOut! Round #8!

Post by Krom »

I take it the servers ran well then? I have them installed on a spare computer that I can fire up with a few hours notice and I don't need anything else running to have them up if needed. Which is good because last night I was rebooting my main computer a million times because I was installing windows fresh on my new SSD. Hopefully nobody playing noticed any lag from the few gigabytes of various updates, drivers and installers that were downloading over the connection while the games were running...
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Re: Let's Play BreakOut! Round #8!

Post by Lady Silver »

The server ran very well, thank you! The only server we played in last night was Alcatraz; we were so enthralled with BreakOut that we didn't want to move to Seleg Prime. :)

Ping was great; mid to upper double digits for me. I noticed the net loss shoot up once in a while, but it never seemed to last, and I never noticed it affect the game-play.

Thanks again!
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Re: Let's Play BreakOut! Round #8!

Post by Foil »

Yeah, the server was great for me. I only noticed a tiny bit of loss a couple of times, and there wasn't any loss at all in our second game. If you're not doing massive downloads next time, I bet it'll be perfect (it was fine this time anyway).

Lady Silver, thank you so much for setting this up. I was really rusty, but it was a blast to get in and play. (P.S. Thanks for that level should go to DCG-Roadrunner. He designed Alcatraz, and it's perfect for BreakOut.)
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Re: Let's Play BreakOut! Round #8!

Post by Lady Silver »

Well, DCG Roadrunner, if you are out there, you have made a great level! Thanks! :D

Foil I just saw this on the Descendent Studios site: http://descendentstudios.com/community/ ... this-game/
Dues flew as "Toll Booth Willy" in the game on Friday.

In fact, talking about BreakOut in-game that night we both simultaneously typed almost word for word something to the effect of:
"this is an excellent mod, we need to spread the word!"
"this is an excellent mod, we need to spread the word."
We laughed and I said, "Great minds..." :wink:

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