Hi all,
I dug out my Sidewinder FFB from my parent's house this last weekend, after being in a closet since around 1999. Googling around led me to the google-code site, the github and this forum.
I was planning to do a headtracking project, before I dug this joystick out, so I already have a Teensy2.0 and a couple of ProMicros, and motion sensors on the way. Now, I think I'll do the stick first before anything else.
On the joystick itself, the power brick is gone and the barrel connector has broken off. In place of the barrel jack, two wires are soldered on and ends in male pin headers. The gameport cable is slimy and sticky, so I cut off the gameport cable. I've already broken out some wires from the motherboard header to a breadboard, following the pin assignments on the wiki. I'm still in the process of wiring up the rest, but I have a few question before I plug this in.
Question 1: I saw a google code site, and a github repo
https://github.com/tloimu/adapt-ffb-joy. Am I correct to assume that the github repo is current? Is that the correct github site?
Question 2: Can I get this working without the 12v power, at least initially? I plan on getting the sensors/buttons working first, before the FFB. However, if the code or the board itself requires the 12v parts to work, then I'll have to improvise a way to get 12v from the PC sooner than later.
Question 3: The shield wire from the motherboard should be connected to ground?
Question 4: Since the barrel jack is gone, and I don't trust the color coding of the soldered-on wires. I'd like to ask for confirmation on which one is ground and which is 12v. Here is a picture of the joystick's board, as viewed from the bottom of the stick. This is the backside of the board, the optical sensor is on the other side. Right now the black wire is soldered to the upper terminal in the picture. If someone could confirm that black is ground, or if it's the other way around.
Question 5: I substituted the 2.2KOhm resistors with a pair of 2KOhm + 200Ohm resistors in series since I couldn't find the exact part. Would this work?
Question 6: I've finished wiring up the connections to the Teensy (including the optional capacitors, minus the optional pots). I uploaded the adaptffbjoy-r54.hex file from the google code site to the Teensy. When I plug in the Teensy to USB, I get a rapidly blinking light on the teensy itself, and a slow blink on the joystick. (note: I still don't have 12v power on the stick) At this point, nothing is being detected on the PC. When I press the Teensy rest button, the teensy led stops flashing, the joystick led keeps flashing the same, a USB HID input device is detected, but no joysticks show up. Is this the expected behavior (given that I haven't connected 12v yet)?
I'm more of a programmer by trade than an electronics guy. I know a capacitor from a resistor but that's about it. I'm comfortable handling a soldering iron though, as long as part lists & instructions are available.
thanks in advance everyone