Manipulate the vote

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Manipulate the vote

Post by woodchip »

So you wonder why a lot of us think something crooked is going on:

"The DNC on Monday filed to join the lawsuit seeking to allow local election clerks to continue filling in missing information from ballots they receive this fall.

The Republican-led legislature and a Waukesha County judge have said the Wisconsin Elections Commission overstepped its bounds with its guidance that allows local clerks to complete absentee ballots without reaching out to voters first. Lawmakers and the judge said state law is clear about the process for incomplete absentee ballots

The DNC calls following that law voter suppression." ... ee-ballots
Yes you read it right, it's voter suppression when a clerk cannot add info to a ballot.
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Re: Manipulate the vote

Post by Vander »

We're going to steal your country. Haha.
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Re: Manipulate the vote

Post by Tunnelcat »

Meanwhile, the machinations on the right...

As much as these tactics aren't fully enacted into law yet, Republicans are trying....and trying....and trying, thanks to Trump's debunked Big Lie about massive elections fraud. ... r-overrul/ ... 4DUZYHQJM/ ... n-results/

Meanwhile, those Republican-backed "audits" by third party actors have compromised the voting systems these states use for elections. The "My Pillow" guy even publicly released the voting system's software to the general public, giving hackers the key. Now many states are going to have to spend money from their budgets for replacement systems. I say, let the My Pillow guy pay for it. He's rich. ... xperts-say
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Re: Manipulate the vote

Post by Vander »

The fact that just about everyone charged with election fraud across the country are Republicans that say the did it because the other side cheats is just evidence that the deep state is targeting Republicans and protecting the cheaters.
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Re: Manipulate the vote

Post by Tunnelcat »

And that Arizona Cyber Ninja "fraudit" that Republicans called for in Maricopa County eventually found MORE votes for Biden, 360. Poor Trump. :P
The hand count shows Trump received 45,469 fewer votes than Biden. The county results showed he lost by 45,109. ... n-won.html
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Re: Manipulate the vote

Post by Krom »

The clerks would not be adding any information to the ballots, the very way the republicans phrase it is already misleading. The place they could be correcting text is on the envelope the ballots are returned in (which is itself also wrapped inside another envelope which has the actual postage on it). Nobody but the voter even sees or unseals the ballot until the actual election day. The inner envelope has to have a witness signature and address, which 99.9% of the time is the same address as the clerk already has a sticker pasted on from when they sent it out but it has to be written in by the witness. The corrections they are doing are incredibly simple stuff like changing "Ave" to "Avenue", "Rd" to "Road" or "St" to "Street" or filling in incredibly obvious stuff like that if it is missing. Like the way the republicans want it right now, if you didn't put the comma in the right spot near the zip code or whatever so it matches the text in the state drivers license database exactly they would demand the ballot be thrown out. Its ★■◆●ing retarded and republicans should eat ★■◆● over it.
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Re: Manipulate the vote

Post by Ferno »

Woody, how about you follow your mango Mussolini's advice, and boycott this election?
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